Monday, October 31, 2005
NIL to shop
shopping that is......
didn't get anything ^^" at all......cos'
there were nothing much to buy
there would be if....i could spend at least 1,000 dollars in a day.
i saw this super nice skirt and blazer at mng ^^"
soo cute!!
i did a sketch....wish i could find a suitable velvet and satin material to fit into the form.


holloween is here!
for some nice spooky places to visit during this one week hols....
check out this webby
i did a print screen.
kinda nice... ^^
love this kind of stories and historic places that are haunted by some past ghosts.
scotland is the place for spookiness i guess....
i haven't got a chance of visiting those castle... but
haha- ue and maeno niichan have ^^
i got a first view on how the place is like from them,

haha-ue and maeno oniichan learnt how to make scones from the chef in the castle resort.
along with that, they made breakfast for my whole family ( all of them went except for me,niichan and chichi-ue)
^^ so nice......
must be wondering how did they manage to be so close to the chef, rite?
the castle is owned by chichi-ue's close secondary school classmate ^^ lucky lucky.
me wanna go...

Repairing your car is probably one of the worst nightmares... The moment when you enquire about the total estimated cost required right after your mechanic tells you what are the faulty parts that needs to be changed is pretty much a you-know-it's-gonna-cost-a-bomb kinda feeling. Initially, I allocated in mind a sum of 300 ringgit. I had my fingers crossed, hoping that the mechanic's price would somewhat be near to my estimations.
Alas, he calculated it to be roughly 400 ringgit. But #$*(@, the bill came up to 500+ ringgit!! There goes all my wishes this month ;( Hopefully, I don't have to resort to bread and butter everyday soon....
As much as you might want to deny, I have to say that MONEY IS EVERYTHING.
Call me a noob, I've never knew how to write my chinese name in traditional chinese...Thanks to NJStar, everything is made possible :p

Sunday, October 30, 2005
skip hop
so many people attended his buffet-house-dinner.As what he told me...there are about 80+ people there.
let's not go to the food....kumasan will surely drool if i do.^^
time really do past in a very very quick phase... can't believe it is almost the end of the year.
my own birthday is arriving soon too...*blink*
okay okay....set that aside...don't want to think about The Day@>...
friday was a stressful day ...
morning , my mood was so elevated! i was thinking about the holidays throughout my class, while sketching ^^ when evening came, our canvas got evaluated and.....DANG~ my mood turned upside down.
wanna know what happened? ^^"
let's not point fingers at anyone here.... but this girl really made me pissed.....almost screamed at her.
nevermind... everything has it's way to be corrected.
well, it turned out to be stressful anyhow.....
at night, kumasan brought me to the movies ^^
Corpse Bride
ask kumasan to elaborate more on the movie k? ^^
then, saturday went so fast....
was so tired since the morning...kumasan had his car sent to the workshop. some problem....
i stayed at home ^^ like a good girl should.......doing my homework.
evening came in a flash and the party(AUst's) began.
i guess....i'll be gone to Mon't Kiara's flea tomorrow morning. ^^ want to pick up some weird stuff.....hopefully i can get some.
after that, off to Isetan! ^^
with who? *wink* kumasan of course!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
gosh! i just found out(on wednesday) that the canvas is due tomorrow!
i am currently in school.... watching over the rest of my groupie ^^
finished my part! ^^ that's y
only got the background to paint...
the good thing is... Chee Meng is helping us! ^^
me and him will be doing th background together when he comes back to class later.
i really hope we don';t need to stay too late in school.
tomorrow will be another tiring day. Life Drawing.
on tuesday, i went to KLCC .
had an assignment from Life drawing to take pictures of significant buildings in a view with perspective.
kumasan had a preceeding project around that are, so, i got to hop in to work with him^^
so nice....
here are some pictures that i took:

later, it rained...
i managed to do a bit of shopping ^^
found some really cute skirts and tops....
but i only bought 2 pieces... couldn't decide on which to buy... ^^"
maybe i;ll be going there again this weekend. hope that the cute stuff are still there on the racks... ^^
I Am a Road Offender
Here's a snippet from TheStar:
Faulty rear and third brake lights, bald tyres and non-functioning
headlights and indicator lights – motorists may think these are minor
Not to the police.
They will issue on-the-spot summonses for all these offences in a bid
to reduce road fatalities and accidents during the Deepavali and Hari Raya rush
More road laws are implemented as we speak. The next thing we know, not locking our doors; not having our doors properly shut or not having our damaged bumper fixed will result in on-the-spot summonses.
Oh well, no complains here. It's for the safety of everyone on the road.
So...I guess it's time to get my headlamp bulb changed. Where's my mechanic?!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Busy days!
People have also been telling me that the food there were extremely overpriced, the sausages were awful looking (but tasty?) and and...the beers were the 'honey' used to draw the bees :p Well guess what? Out of 150 bottles of beer allocated for that day, 80 were 'RESERVED' for internal staff...HA! so we only get 70...oops...did that just slipped outta my mouth? bad..teehhheee :p
Usagi n I only went over to One Utama about 7pm for dinner with Douglas and Ee Laine at Nando's. What happened to Chilli's?? 45 mins queue is alright! :( Sorry for having to skip our massive Taylor's REUNION...which was totally unplanned! (believe it or not, we bumped into groups of ex-classmates on that day!) The rest of the day was spent at home, taking care of my baby usagi :) (fever came!...not dengue...fortunately)
I have no idea what we did or where we went on Saturday afternoon. Old age's catching up on me...*sob* Oh!!!...we went to Midvalley at 9.30am for a free screening of DOOM (tickets contributed by Spoonkin, thanks to him and The Star :)) Had McDonald's sausage yummylicious. Lunch at Kim Gary...the set menu was attractive....but the food was cold :(...even after i requested for a re-heat.
Dinner was at BistroDeli (Delifrance in SS2) with usagi's mom. Check out the promotions people!!! It ends on 31st October 2005. Read this: FREE xxx with ANY PURCHASE. So...what we basically did was ordered 3 dishes, seperate into 3 receipts and WAHLA! 3 free side dishes :D The food there is above average, the bread pudding is a definite must try! Imagine getting a FREE pudding (RM6.50) at the cost of RM2.50 (the cheapest drink available)...what a deal people! So...get your lazy bums to SS2 now! Opposite McDonalds aye! :)
Sunday started pretty early as well. For the first time ever in the year!...I went to morning market with usagi and aunt. so much activities happening over there! Had to resist the food temptations to keep an empty stomach. Lunch treat by aunt at Cable Car..yay! Stuffed myself with chicken and fries lol. Usagi had pita+chicken+cheese...yummy...can't have all tho :(
So here is the BEST PART of this post. Monday night, I had marble cheese cake while usagi went with gourmet pie at Secret Recipe. Both the orders were HELLUVA TASTYLY YUMMYLICIOUSLY DELICIOUS. The marble cheese cake was simply irresistable!! The oat layer at the bottom blends in real well with the thick condensed cheese.
This afternoon, I had lunch wif usagi at KLCC food court. The most value for money pasta have been found there! For RM7.99, I had fetuccine marinara which comes with a FREE soft drink. They were so generous with the serving, there were like about 5 gigantic succulent prawns + fish fillet chunks + squids. Usagi also bought 2 onigiri (salmon & plum)...tasted soooo good! Thanks baby :D
Later at the evening, we stopped by at One Utama to try Gelare's 50% waffle promotion on Tuesdays only. We ordered the large waffle plus a mix of macademia nuts+wild strawberry ice cream (also comes with maple syrup and fresh cream). Comparing it to A&W's waffle, it's probably 5 times better, on the other hand, 2 times more expensive.'s so worth it :) Usagi also had hot chocolate. Seemed like she loves it haha.
Everything bout me today is related to food. Muahaha...hope you guys get hungry after reading this :P Especially while you are at work or at class, not being able to fill your tummy at this very moment HA! Time to hit the bed now, usagi looks sooo tired(for the very first time, dozing off earlier than me wakka)...must be the presentation stress :(
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
no worries.... i'm not part of it.
my fever ended after just two days. but the tempreture went up and down within that 48 hours though...
Bird" was concern and tried cinvincing me about visiting the med. doc. and have my blood taken for a blood test. plasma count.
after a much wasted weekend caused by my own sickness....
sunday became the only day i went a proper persuit.
Saturday, October 22, 2005

having fever.....
it's been two days weird.
i came back from my condo and suddenly i was freezing.
kumasan was so worried... ^^"
i guess it's just natural for him to worry...
i can actually see that he is trying to help me subside the heat off me.
gave me " Bye-bye Fever" and Panadol.
kumasan even tried wiping my arms and neck with wet cloth. ^^
even though i thought that the cloth was too wet, i am still deeply touched by his sincerity.
hugs~to kumasan.

all because of my fever, we didn't get to go to a gathering and movie...
i feel so bad that kumasan couldn't go...
kumasan insisted on staying beside me and not attending this functions without my presence there.
his friends were so nice too
this morning, they smsed kumasan and asked him about me ( fever terms)
kumasan's mum and aunt was worried too ^^"
don't think they should though... i can take care of myself .Really! *wink*
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Donate to the WenWey-Needs-Beer Fund Today!!!
free flow?
^^ dont get too excited just yet.
i'm so bored out now.
so, i shall share my boredom with you...yes, just you! (priviledged?)
(pull a new sheet of paper out from under the desk)
so....what happened yesterday till now?
it was raining the whole day yesterday.. my washed clothes couldn't even dry...
i guess....the teruterubozu that i hung on my blog didn't work ekk...
maybe i'll just leave it there for a few more days ^^
erm...was so tired after school...
napped for about an hour at 4.30pm.
so nice... it was raining ^^
i had wanted to continue my slumber....till my brain suddenly ticked into the homework zone....> <" analytical drawing...
i had all my effort put into the illustration board...whole night ...
then i slept for 3 hours and woke up at 4.30 in the morning to work on my masterpiece again. so, as you can see....
i did nothing except for sleeping, drawing and colouring. now, i am so worn out...
not too bad though...
i ended the stressful ordeal at 8.30am. so reliefed! drove to school and went into my class... just to find out that Pn Raudzah had an emergency...the baby flew out of her tummy this morning ^^
kekeke just pulling your leg : P anyways... what actually happened was....
12.00pm was the adjustment for submitting our work ^^"
Pn Raudzah was in class at 10.00am sharp ^^
her baby? still intact ^^"
Chee Meng was there to help all of us with our work ^^ so nice of him.
everyone was so happy today.
commenting on each other's work and talking about the same ""stressful ordeal" that they went through.. ^^ Jess didn;t sleep the whole night.
Jessica with her Death of the fiery Mauritius chilies.
Marcela wore a Naked baby=T.
Helen didn;t turn up ( WHAT happened???),
Lin came soooo late,
Hannah presented her Blue banana work
Sonia's was about the Death of her Lipstick
it's kinda's class ^^
as if it is graduation day!
everybody took pictures and hugged each other when the time is due.
Jess actually took a roll on the class's work.
nice.....hope i can put it up here for everyone to download.
that'll be later ^^
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
I am back!
Exciting stuffies have been piling up on my mind. Things that actually make me look forward to. How great would it be if I can like slingshot to the coming events and rewind myself back in time. Hahah...what a weird thought. Don't laugh, this could happen to you!
Tomorrow's gonna be Moy's birthday celebration (ok maybe not, since he insists that no prezzies or cakes must be involved) at Soul'ed Out. Expecting a gaming session right after...kakaka :p
Friday is HOLIDAY!'s been so long since we get public prolly few monthes back. Evening's gonna be spent at One Utama new wing, since there's gonna be a Octoberfest with cheap food and RM1 coin beer! (see poster below for details) Then, it's DOOM at midnight.
Chilli's nite out, lunchie with usagi's mommie on Sunday, yet to come... Aust's birthday party, colleague's wedding dinner, Usagi's BIG DAY, company annual dinner and much more...

い ち ご
明 日 ま で
い ら す た し お ん ボ ッ ド 先生にあげちゃうなります
今日からあのしゅくだいはは や っ て の は じ め ね 。 。 。
で も 。 。 。
わ た し は いまサイバジャイヤで。
nothing much happened for these past few days....
Watsons having sale,
there's this octoberfest in One U this coming friday...
there's some conflict in class,
Pn. Raudzah's gonna blow anytime...8.5 months pregnant
why ia today's weather such a pain on my skin???^^"
such bright hues of redorange and burning wave of hot air...
airconditioner? none in my room here... (..,-.-,..)
must hang a てるてるぼず on my window..i'l just make one later^^
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Ngi Ngi^ Ngo> Ngo
too many final projects to deal with... > <"
bought the canvas,,, it was HUGE!!
and... i don't know if i am able to start the sketch on the canvas on monday.... ^^"
the scary part is that on thursday, we are all expected to hand in our illustration board and sketch book > <" really!!! how are we going to be able to finish it?
other classes got their breifing on the final project starting only next week!!!
so unfair!!!
must be because Raudzah ...she is having her usual turns of PMS....
i am currently relaxing while kumasan sleeepsssss > <" usual
haih~~ kumasan look tired...
it's kinda amazing cos' he actually eats so much! and he gets tired really quick!
must be the high metabolic rate...or is it the weather...
raining this sun.
kinda have been like that for these few days....
gosh, i have been craving for some pudding cakes... > <"
wanna buy some!! but... always having not enough free time and will to drive there and get some...
gosh....haven't gotten some fruits for next weeks supply!!! ><"
must sms mum and ask her for a favor liaos....
tonight, kumasan's dad's birthday ^^
dinner at somewhere near sungai buloh i think....
dunno where lergh..
A Sound of Disappointment
Friday was a tiring day. Lots of running about and rushing of datelines. Usagi and I ended up at the A&W near Amcorp Mall (~10.30pm). Business was so well, parking was a fuss. We ordered our ice-cream waffles and screened around for a table. Changed our minds a couple of times haha.
Then came our orders...15 mins later. Peppermint ice-cream plus strawberry topping...MMmmm....usagi had strawberry ice-cream ^^
The fried chickens were extremely attractive, i bet they are finger-lickin' good. Can't believe I actually managed to withstand the temptation and made a pass.
Saturday began with yummy pork noodles at a restaurant near Taman Bahagia LRT Station with usagi, Spoonkin and June. Thanks spoon for the recommendation :) Not much of a 30 mins waiting time as been told though haha. But, the noodles was good.
Then, next stop was ss2 Kamdar + BistroDeli. Lots of promotions going on at BistroDeli (Delifrance) till the end of the month. So....go check it out ya! Their breads are sooo fresh and soft. Loves it!
After that, we dropped by at Body Shop + FOS at Giant (LDP). Bought a POLO Polo-T for a mere RM84.90. MMmm...felt good. Hope it doesn't shrink after wash :|
Dinner took place at a seafood restaurant in Klang. Joining us were Douglas, Ee Laine, Poh Onn, Soo Yi and their friends. Food was great and TQ TQ TQ TQ TQ soooo much for the treat, Poh Onn and Soo Yi :)
We headed back to 1 Utama for a late night moofie. Waiting for the reservation release for our movie (half-an-hour before showtime) was really exciting. There were sooo many 'vultures' with the same intention! Except we were at the front, HA!
What made my day was our movie, A Sound of Thunder. That was the first time ever I heard about that movie. From what the title tells, my guess was it's gonna be somewhat related to thunder. But, I was oh so wrong! The movie has in NO way connected to its title. It sucked sooo big time that I had the thought of walking off midway. The CG and camera angles sucked big time. Nuff' said. Kinda lowers my common sense and IQ in a way :( If you plan to watch it, it's gonna be a BIG NO-NO from me.
Friday, October 14, 2005
After a long day at work, she lifted my mood through these two specially designed and coloured ice-cream sticks. Her dedication and effort attached to this piece of magnificent artwork really touched me.
She said,
Untie the ribbon, check out what's hidden at the other side of the sticks....Then draw an eye for the Daruma (the red coloured looking fur
ball)...It's a good luck charm :)
The 2nd pic shown is the Daruma after my skillful touching-up (on both its eyes). It looks so muchmore 'alive'.
Darling says that the Daruma is somewhat like a egg-shaped doll which
In common practice, one will give an eye before a crucial ocassion, followed by the other eye after the said ocassion. (That's what I did :p....I hope it really works)
P/S: This post was supposed to be up yesterday but everything was going against my way. The not-so-friendly cum buggy functions in blogspot and a massive wave of spyware which hit my pc yesterday were real frust. After getting my formattings totally screwed up; and when I was about to publish this, IE gets a sudden crash (happened a few times) at 1.30am...I finally gave up. Spyware *#$%ing sucks BIG TIME i tell ya! The horror of getting invaded by ~70 different variations of them really pissed me off. Managed to clean most of them, with some stubborn ones left behind...still infesting my IE. If you are having the gleeful thought of me being gotten rid by spyware, HA! guess what? NEVER! Firefox saved my day. :)
Usagi told me that we have an unexpectedly frequent reader...who else but....HELEN! :D Glad that you are reading our crap everyday hiak hiak :p
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
KOK HOE!!!! yoke har wants a hammy!! Wink*
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Eeewww......McD buffet????
oh.. maybe not... ^^ unless it is = Chocolatier buffet! RM18! divided by 3 = A$6 kekekke
anyways....i can't believe so many of you guys in Aus have changed sooo much!!!!
wow! Winnie is such a babe now. Audrey, ooo la la...curvy curvy ^^
i haven't yet seent he rest cos' NOBODY posted up NEWWW pictures of themselves!! what's wrong with you guys?!??!!? supposed to update me rite?? > <"
actually.....i think i did not post up new pictures of my self that much too ^^ shy.... * blush*
nothing better to do during this Ramadhan period except for watching ppl Gulp down super size meals every evening. ^^"
everywhere *BUFFET*
niichan should be here right now ^^
he'll really enjoy all the food coming around PJ.
oh yaaaa
gues what kumasan and me spotted at One Utama yesterday night?
att he corner of the floor with a cosmetics store ( Lo'ccitane ) , there is....

> <"
scarry... another buffet restaurant...
it's been kinda hot these few days.. especially during the day.. but when it comes to night, it rains... ^^ kekeke come to think of it.. not too bad also lerh..
just the heat wave ....cannot stand when it passes trough your paveway...*wooosh~~* and there goes that beautiful flowy skirt, made of silk ^^"
i miss everyone !!!
fast fast come back!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 10, 2005
Is McDonalds your Fetish?

Ever wanted to :
Lie down on a bed of French Fries?
Get showered with soft, milky sundae?
Get stuffed with humongous Big Macs till your mouth cramps? Swallow chunks of juicy McNuggets like never before?
Spread mayo all over your face?
Try the Bubur Ayam McD for the very first time?
Taste McD's latest product (Sirap Bandung)?
Not to worry! Everything is made possible by McDonalds, where all your dreams come true. Are you capable enough to handle the quote "Makan sampai PUAS, satu harga sahaja"?
If you have tried it. Do post your experience here :p For me, I'd rather spend RM18 on two McD meals on different occasion hehe.
Oh..and...if you are planning to give it a run, make sure you don't get SUPERSIZED!
Sunday, October 09, 2005

got to meet up with niichan's friends! ^^
Poh Oon + ELaine + Doug ^^
Sakae Sushi ( yum yum~~)
didn't noe it was so good!
but still can't beat Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club (KLGCC)'s Takakura restaurant : P
poh oon is soo funny!!!
elaine ^^ as prettty as i have remebered her during their college

SAM Coroboree
Doug, very animated ^^
found out about a lot of news and facts from that dinner ^^
like how niichan went all the way to save his bun from hitting the floor when niichan slipped and fell hard when it was rainning....... ( college years )
but i tot it was so painful......he came back limping....
the whole crapping scene lasts the whole night... gosh.. ^^"
can never see kumasan laugh as bad as tonight.
anyways....was thinking about my birthday party plannign again.....

Soo lerh.... > <" gosh....gimme dilemma "
how ??? how?????
i'll me flying off to melbourne on the 10th i think..... ^^
holsfor how long??? dunno ....
tomorrow is another to get the canvas sketch ready ..
Marcela got to fly back to Indonesia... (Sorry to hear about the sad newss MArc)
i am just wondering how is it going to be tomorrow....
have to discuss on whether we have to continue our work or without marc or.... H mmmmmm
Saturday, October 08, 2005
The Shortest Yard

Usagi and I rushed to collect the tickets, purchased the movie deal package (RM50) which comes with 7 tickets and 7 soft drink vouchers , very cost-saving indeed if you ask me. Having no idea what the movie is, except that it's a comedy flick and features Adam Sandler, I reckon it should be up to par. Considering the fact that looking at Adam alone is entertaining enough (Okay, don't get me wrong. I am straight).
Like any other field sports movies, The Longest Yard is somewhat similar to Shaolin Soccer. It speaks the formation of a football team IN prison (yeah how cool is that? instead of sodomizing each other teehee :p), to battle against the guards. Basically a clash of the titans at the very end. Adam (Paul Crewe), an ex-NFL quarterback played his character well by leading his team to victory (yesss...the underdogs tend to win in every movie!) after various incidents of hardship and ugh....butt spanking....with a hat o.O, despite the script's mix of cynicism and sentiment.
A quick memory recap brings me to the huge-belly-man, gigantic ping-pong soloist, guy who carries bench weights, bunch of sexy-men, gay guy in disguise, horny secretary, street rappers, Caretaker, estrogen man, Unger, Mcdonalds' supplier and many more. Look at the list, probably one of the shows with so many 'heroes', so how can it not be funny?
If you think it ain't worth your watch. Think again. I laughed so much throughout the entire show, it indeed rocked my boat, hard.
Friday, October 07, 2005

^^"Look!!! the anatomy of a bunch of delicious celery!( lick~*)
>>>>please ignore that sudden thought
more assignments and chores to complete!
space ( 5 pieces of drawing)
sketch ( textile layout, 8 more)
analogous colour chart( 2 strips)
finalize canvas composition ( 5ft x 5 ft)
journal binding
scan analytical's art book
organic drawing
^^ hehe.. .. i finished 3 of my assignments yesterday
and today, ... depending on my mood... maybe i'll do some painting ^^
i am so excited about the canvas work though... ^^ it's for an exibition entry
but guess is that there will be a full load of effort pouring into that canvas.
luckily it's a team of four ( helen, hanna, marcela and me!)
anyways.. lets hear about today's events
nothing much,
got some nagging from mum for nothing....
got up at 7, got a splitting headache..., my guess is the stress from everything my life is giving me^^
to spoon ( as i remembered from what he told me), this is the sign of growing up (woo hoo!)
i mean, to have a splitting headache and loads of stresssss
i entered class at 1.30pm ^^
we were using charcoal pencil to do some life art of cloth, fruits and a what do you call it?'s the orange cone thingy that they have on the road side to deter admittance. ^^
maybe i'll post up all of my artwork done by the end of the semester.. since i am going to scan it before handing in all of them to my class instructor.
i am sitting in thr multimedia lab now...
just trying to kill some time and relax.
it is almost 4.
got to go back to the condo soon.
well, i'll just start moving now ^^~
Thursday, October 06, 2005
What's HOT today?

Any idea what's in that picture? alligator in a python suit. It is the carcass of an alligator which protudes out to the right from the curved body of a dead Burmese python in Everglades National Park, in south Miami-Dade, Florida, September 2005.
Such rare & bizarre incident will probably occur once in our lives. From the scenario, I've managed to learn something out of both the deadliest predators in Florida swamps.
- Don't be greedy. If you can't handle the heat, stop! - Python
- Never give up, fight till the end. There's always hope (to turn the table around) - Alligator
- Pythons are fools
Moving on to the entertainment centrestage, Katie Holmes is pregnant. Tom does it again! (aren't they lovely?)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Do you believe?
must be all the travelling ^^
Communication studies was on as usual.
hehe,,, i saw Mr. Andrew sulk again!
he does it in every class!!! at least once ^^
he was unconvinced by Deb's flirtatious friend, who couldn't stop chatting. ^^
today, our class was all about presentations.
it was boring!!!
luckily, the class is meant to be short.
after class, i dragged my poor limbs back home.
had to climb more than 15 flights of stairs at school.
let me see...
going to class = 6 flights
break time = 14 flights ( down and up again )
after class = 8 flights ( went to convenient store and library)
final flight = 1 flight
TOTAL = 29 flights (oh my gawd!!)
oh kay,that actually explains it all.... > <" my room smells so lilyish!
^^ i carefully unwrap the gorgeous bouquet and put the bunch into a vase ( courtesy of kumasan's nice aunt).
have to replace the water in the vase every day i think. ^^
kumasan said it will be able to last for about one week with water.
so nice....{June, thanks for the sweet comment ^^}
i did a lot of thinking today.
i was wondering if any of the chinese zodiac sign's description is true.
Any believers among you guys? please slide in some stuff for me in our comment box k? ^^
i am doing it as my presentation title on the 26th of October ( two weeks time).
i have to prepare an overview of my chosen topic to mr. andrew by next week ^^
i actually did an overview for my own reference last sunday ^^ so, this actually means that i am done on today's assignment by mr. andrew.
but.....with some extra accounts of real experiences from you, would be GReAT for my actual presentation! ^^
the weather here:
very chilly, it is 27deegrees celcius right now.
no air conditioning required.
i think i rained 3 times...
don't know what happened to the sky, but i am not complaining! ^^ i got to sleep in the afternoon for about 3 hours!
record breaking time for me ^^
talking about sleeping, this reminds me of Guen Ai,...i called her on her mobile an hour ago. ^^
missed Guen Ai a lot. oh? sorry, forgotten to mention this, she's my closest childhood friend ^^.
post her pics?mmmm... i'll think about it. she might kill me if i don't make a consideration before i have anything to do with posting her pics on the web ^^
oh ya, before signing off, i would like to wish Helen Yang a Happy Birthday! it's Helen's 19th birthday today.i was so busy with my assignments that i totally forgotten about her present!
> <" sorry helen. Fish, gave her a doggy soft toy ^^ { sweeeet}
Lilies of the Valley
today ... kumasan made a very special appearence over at my place!!!
i was about to leave for the condo when he called me on the mobile and asked me to give him 5 minutes ..
he came to a stop in front of the gate and came out of the car saying:
waaa hen jiii(mandarin)
and there he went running into my house while saying
darling, please help me take out my laptop , inside the cari was already blur...when he said that...
still searching where his command went into (brain wise)...
i lift up the heavy lid...and.....
started laughing ...histerically..
not the normal higgy hickety laugh, but the type where you really need to lie down to stop the spread....
wondering what had happened?
kumasan had a bouquet ...of pure white lilies !!!, back there!!!
when he finally came out, i was laughing like much......still...
^^" i think kumasan got a bit offended kekeke
he went
na li youu ren shou dau hua , jiu shiao bu ting de?(with a wide smile of course) ^^~*
wow... that whloe thing made a big impact on ...on.....
it suddenly rained...,
some tears came flooding my view....,
i was smiling and smiling... ^^"
kumasan is sooo sweet!!
even paw paw smiled ^^ impressed i think.
after everything. i went to Win's Art to get illustration Boards for marcela, hanna , helen and of course me! ^^
ended my day with a glass of warm skim milk~ SLurp~
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
As I lick my fingers after every few sticks, I gobble down a mouthful of H2O, to sink the spicy flavour left behind. Somehow, I get the urge to finish up the whole pack as hastily as I could. It's very addictive I tell ya!
Usagi pretty much summed up our Sunday activities. What she didn't mention was our visit to Coffee Bean. Yes! for yet another time. Disappointment hit me as we approached the outlet. No sign of any Banana Caramel adverts! All we see were Apple Caramel promos, for the very first time. What happened to banana? I reckon banana pwns apple. My heart sank...but not for long. I rejoiced as the cashier smilingly said to me "We'll make one specially for you!". However, I doubt that it's 'special' afterall.
Dinner happened at Telok Gong. Having able to finish up 9 dishes of seafood was definitely a feat to be proud of. I guess I contributed the most :p (Yea, I'm a monster). Thank you Sze Chern for the splendid meal and Happy Belated!
Oh by the way, I just realized Friendster has a new feature. The Who's Viewed Me function works wonders haha :p Guess that will put a stop to stalkers and such.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Wonka's NERDS
i didn't know that NERDS are by 'Wonka's~!!! > <"
anyways...One Utama was so packed today..i have no idea what happened... but it looked like they closed every entrace there is to the parking spaces in that mall...
luckily, kumasan's is sooo sooo nearby that mall. kumasan and me took nice small little steps and stroll to the mall on the side walks filled with blossoming Velvet FLowers~! ^^ such a nice weather... not too sunny at all our first stop: Toys 'R' Us holloween decorations and customes rome the entrace grounds. i bet those stuff has been in the stocks for centuries... there was a finger skeleton glove that kumasan picked up, saying
turn me upside down to see fake blood oozing down the fingers
kumasan did just that and "uvallA!" nothing happened...^^"
then kumasan took a closer look and said
dry liaos la....{with a tad of disappointment in kumasan's eyes} kekekeke ^^"
next was NIKE.
air force shoes....i noticed,,, why>?
cos' it's fully based on sugary pink!^^ cute.
there's this black Dry-Fit" tee that has a Snitch " [think Harry Potter] on the end of the left collar bone.
kinda cute too ekkeke
but.. the cutting of that tee ....errr thumbs down...
didn't noticed that we'd even put our foot into that area.... > <" kumasan suddenly said
haih~~ feel like eating...hungry [a.k.a me monster!]
after walking to the new wing.....sat at the Oval court,
went to a teddy store,
MPH for a few minutes...
and then decided to grab an Auntie Anne's ^^
i didn't want any... so kumasan ordered the 'Sour Cream & Onions' flavour ^^
The VeRdict~:
we strolled around summore...wondering what to eat for dinner ...when Sze Chen [sorry if there's an error of name spelling ...] called kumasan and sent an invitation to a dinner.the sour cream not sour enough
i am still a bit confused about the actual purpose of the Dinner ....but Sze Chen treated all 8 of us...(THANKS~~!!)
venue: Coconut Flower-Teluk Gong
Kok Hoe fetched us using his new red "intelligent" car ^^
why intelligent? dunno... ask him :P
Chet was also in that car... ^^ always trying out whichever buttons that are pressable in the car ^^ Chet wouldn't even give the Honk' a rest kekekekek
the dinner was great.
a lot of Gay air sensed though...
> <"
- the liquid hand / unchained melody proposed act
- and the Kok Hoe- ithcy hand/thoughs towards Chet,Anonymous
there were 9 dishes all together... > <" a bit a lot...
and kumasan ate soo much...
> <"
one thought that i think everyone should think about:
What does non-diluted Tody[fermented coconut water], in a mineral bottle look like to you?
Saturday, October 01, 2005
*Sob sob*
Anyways, it's been quiet around here nonetheless. Friday night was yet again our usual Cyberjaya hang-about. This time, Spoonkin and June came for a tour cum PS2 session. Due to our common practice of having supper everyday, we ended up at Hassan's Corner in Street Mall. Food there never fails to disappointment me. Though it might be a tad bit pricey, I'd say it's well worth it! Tried the mix rice during my previous visit, and gave my thumbs up. I ordered the mee goreng (RM3.50), June chose nasi pattaya (RM4.50) and Spoonkin went for tomyam chicken+rice (RM5.00). Once again, Spoonkin showed his 'sissyness'..okay I take that back..that's rude :p...Back to the story, he said that the amount of rice a typical on-diet girl can take is what he consider a lot! What I really wanna say is..... go Swift!
Basically, that's all for that night. :) Time for dinner and dota session with my mates (Kev, Spoonkin, Drums and Moy)
Sorry no photos lately to liven up my posts. Due to the fact that carry a camera wherever I go is not my cup of tea. BUT, I'll try my best :P