Monday, October 31, 2005

Repairing your car is probably one of the worst nightmares... The moment when you enquire about the total estimated cost required right after your mechanic tells you what are the faulty parts that needs to be changed is pretty much a you-know-it's-gonna-cost-a-bomb kinda feeling. Initially, I allocated in mind a sum of 300 ringgit. I had my fingers crossed, hoping that the mechanic's price would somewhat be near to my estimations.
Alas, he calculated it to be roughly 400 ringgit. But #$*(@, the bill came up to 500+ ringgit!! There goes all my wishes this month ;( Hopefully, I don't have to resort to bread and butter everyday soon....
As much as you might want to deny, I have to say that MONEY IS EVERYTHING.
Call me a noob, I've never knew how to write my chinese name in traditional chinese...Thanks to NJStar, everything is made possible :p