Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
FinalProject-LifE&DeatH many final project.....
so little time...
so many drawings to produce by next week....
> <" but i am so excited about the final drawing!!!! ^^ expo expo... [right, Marcela, Helen, Hanna? (^.^)~] nothing much today.. just a bit rushy... mum fetcthed me to school today.. and i asked permission from Raudzah to let me go home 3 hours earlier than the others~~ hehe... didn't noe she was fasting > <" i took a bite out of my Granny Smith in front of her... kekeke she looked at me and told me that the deal with her on my shortened attendance to class is canceled. then she laughed and said.. i didn't share my lunch with her ^^" i got away still ^^ because i finished researching the first part of my project and showed it to her ^^" she really looked down on my faculty..... but i think we will produce the best work in the whole level! ^^ がんばって皆さんたち! Alice chatted with me n msn today ^^ didn't know she actually had time to chat!!!! it's always.....that i am busy when she is not and she is busy when i am not ^^" meanwhile.....i think i should mention thisss ^^ >>> niichan is so cool!!! 囲い!!!
i have just edited niichan's PICture!!! ^^
and i didn't noe that he bought a Paul Frank beanie!!!!
waaaa me want!!! > <" too bad i dun have the beanie type of look~~ only niichan can pull it off ^^ the pic is so cool that it is a "Must-not-Miss-it" item that i shall start featuring in some of the jots of my blog! ^^ CHeck it out!
^^ me so proud of me de niichan!
a few minutes ago, Jess smsed me...
superbly lame.. but it made me laf ^^" it goes like
life is difficultfull of trials,sorrow,pain,
but if you fall down,
just stand up straight, be confident and say,
NiTeZ : ) drawing.. i wonder if there is a final project for that...
hopefully not... > <"
put Batik motifs', Strawberries, bunnies, fairies and fantasy into
cauldron....stir it to perfection....and i wonder what kind of potion will come
out of it...
An Early Retirement..
Had a surprise call from Spoonkin, asking me to join him for lunch. Was probably the last person in line to ride on his new Swift. But anyway, deciding where to eat was real tough. Ended up at Jaya Noodle House at SS14. Guess what? They totally overcharged! We were conned by the lady in-charge, telling us that fried rice is the most famous dish there. And yeah, we basically fell for her persuasion.
Looking at the bright side of things, the fried rice did taste above average, but then again, the amount of 'expensive ingredients' such as prawn, char-siew etc were close to none. Not only that, a fried egg actually costs RM1.20. Not to say the environment there is very nice also, just a newer version of a typical kopitiam.
Work ended about 8pm. The traffic jam in KL at that time was still at its peak. I would probably kill myself if I were to experience this everyday. Going home at 5.30pm or 8pm or even later would probably be the same... That's insane!
Stopped by to pick usagi up and headed towards my spectacles shop to do some adjustments. Finished a full tupperware of fried rice she brought along as she was concerned bout the emptiness of my tummy. Thanks sweety ^^
Dropped her off right after, and departed home. Showered, ate dinner (yes! another round of food hehe), a game of Dota and went to MomolandzZzz....
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Tsukino Usagi

always a bunny.... ^^ that's what my motto should be.
anyways... yesterday was a great day!
we had a very short class in the morning. ^^ form 10 am till 12.30pm.
all thanks to our deputy prime minister... eekkekeek he came to LKW. foundations had to stand under the schorching sun and applaud when the VIP dude comes. same thing happened when PM came , last month i think.....during the haze season.
me? of course i did not join in the applauding" party ^^ can't stand the sun and the crowd and the sillyness...
i drove home straight. >> DJ ^^
on my way back, i stopped by Win's Art to get some art supplies. ^^ i guess i'll have to say bye bye to my small sized glue gun. The orders for normal sized glue gun just came in ,... but the small ones were no where to be seen...*sigh*
i spent my whole afternoon doing Raudzah's given assignments:
Repetition and Transformation.
it actually means, in short: LOADS and LOADS of A3 sized, full coloured Drawings to hand up tomorrow!
hehe....but then again....all my other friends has yet finished their's too ^^
how did i noe? i asked around during Communication Stud's class ^^ ( i'm saved!)
yesterday night, me and kumasan went out with Sai Chow (a.k.a anonymous), Kok Hoe and Chee Hong.
the Venue,:,:,:,...... night market@ Sri Petaling... ( ALL THE WAY THErE????)
blame anonymous dude. ^^
nothing much there...just a repetition of stuff that appears every monday and thursday nights at SS2.
Sai Chow ......couldn't stop eating and drinking..
Kok Hoe had to have Pearl Milk Tea after his "sure- sweat guaranteeD" Asam Laksa
Chee Hong...had this Fetish of pressing his pack of Sugar cane juice's ice onto everyone's shoulder blades..... > <" another one of kumasan's friend's gay acts ^^" the rest of the night...hardly slept mozzies!!!! zzZZZzzz but no worries, i'm fine. ^^
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
was so busy for the past few days..
here they are: the first 2 are the junkies i bought from Isetan.. sorry guys... i finished the Ichigo Pocky right after i came back from the shopping spree ^^"
this mexican spice snack called Ka-Ru is for niichan! ^^ remember the advert we saw ,t he last time.. ^^ this guy was playing his guitar and then took a break for Ka-Ru...then this bunch of monkey came and made a havoc out of this poor guy ^^" we were standing there and watching the repeatition of the advert till mum got all her stuff
kekeke wonderful memories....
the last 2 are Wonka's Choc!!!!!
kumasan handing it to me..... ( huggie~~)
and my kitty posing with wonka's^^

Google & Earth?
Need directions to go somewhere?
Wonder what's it like to have a bird's eye view?
Want to know the road structures in Paris? Tokyo?
No worries. Everything is made possible by Google Earth. Yes, you might say, "This wenwey so outdated one, google earth came out so long ago, now only know". Then again, I know I am outdated waht? I wouldn't have tried it if I wasn't that bored....
A few minutes of trial-and-error, I managed to locate LDP :) Somehow, I have extreme difficulties in recognizing buildings and roads from top view. Roads always seemed to be soooo long on the map... whereas in actual fact, it doesn't appear that way through driving. I guess my estimations are terrible.
Here's some screenshots of my house & usagi's house :p

<<<<<<< sleepiE Ead~
i woke up at 7.30am
didn;t expect myself to be that..... tired.
i was so alert, packing things into my car and driving off to my condo from home.
not till when i passed the second toll station, i began to feel drowsy.
in class, i was like a zombie...
Moonie, Helen, Hanna, Jess, Petra and Arifin asked me if i was okay ^^"
during lunch break, i went out to the corridor and sat on a chair that i spotted.
i was leaning on the railing......then......yes......i fell asleep : P
Moonie woke me up. Shaking my shoulders saying,akiko...akiko...wake up, it's already 1.30.^^ thanks Moonie~
are you okay?
then.. i didn;t have the mood to create some compositions of batik motif and some table as an idea...sorry, it's difficult to explain...about the batik and table thingy....even kumasan(eVilGenius) took a while to get it.
i was so tired when i came home.
threw everything on the floor, and went for some vege and fruits.
Fell asleep at 4pm and woke up at 5pm.
kekeke preetee organized huh? ^^" no intention de... dunno why.
i made poached salmon with "shiao bai chai" for dinner. Mmmmm so nice ^^
oh, i made a list of homework that i should be doing during the days throughout this week ^^'
just to try to have a start on a written time management.
on tuesday ( mmmm which is today, because it is already 2.47 am)
i have to finish 3 pieces of drawing for my analytical drawing class....
Questionaire...i finished it today. just need to print it out ^^ no problem
can't wait for my class to end tomorrow...
can't wait to hug kumasan~~

Monday, September 26, 2005
FriSatSun~* flower leaf flower
went to school wearing the dress that i designed and grandma sewn (my grandma was a seamstress)
i did not have any pictures of that because my cam was with me de kumasan (^^<>)
though, Arifin did took some shots...when i was taking my attendance...^^"
he got drunk after seeing me in the dress... weird.
Arifin wasn;'t the only one who acted weird
>< "
most of my friends were,......
every 23rd of the month is a B.A.D day in Lim Kok Wing.
it is short for Break Away Day and everyone is encouraged to dress up ont hat day
they have cash prizes for 2 lucky winners of the day!
i was so busy with my life drawing class that i missed the event at tjhe plaza totally kekeke
not that i was very keen to watch it anyways...^^" too into my persprective technical drawing ^^
i finished fast on that day ^^
so i tried to kill time .....was thinking about kumasan.. ^^ couldn;t wait till the moment he arrives at my condo....
Arifin wanted to have a look at my condo ^^
hope he agrees to take the extra twin sharing room ^^
kumasan suprised me when i was still in school, in front of the PC , typing away ^^"
he prompted me to go back to my condo immediatly ^^"
later .... i found out that he left work 4pm? ^^"
and wanted to suprise me... : P but FAILED!!! kekekeke ( blEk~~)
then, as we were about to leave for dinner,
he got his migraine...
and genuinely, i was a bit worried,,,,.. so i stayed with him, and kept on bringing in mugs of water....
too much vomiting can, must drink loads and loads of water (tick!)
nothing much really.. cos the day went by sooo fasT!!
i woke up when kumasan did too ^^
much to my relief ^^ he was back to his normal self... just a bit exhausted form vomiting and migraine.... : (
we left the condo about afternoon...
went to SS2 for lunch,
brought kumasan 's car to the workshop to mend the punctured tyre...
and then,,, went back to my house, got my dinner dress and got ready for the night;s buffet..
big name, food sux.
The End.
did the Toyota colouring contest form....
did my tired......
really really tired...
stole some of my homework time, taking pics of junkies that i bought from Isetan on wednesday. ^^
i have posted i t up on my shutterfly...
just need to put it up here. have to do it tomorrow cos' too tired
me and kumasan had dinner at Nippon Yataimura ^^
i had Gekikara ramen and kumasan had Miso Ramen... for gotten the name.. > <" too tired to think...
went to Subway's
to have a peep
and Giant Supermarket
kekeke i got so many boxes of Pocky!
so niceeeeee mmmmmm
kumasan had kaya balls... kept on saying " sooo hungry" even though we just had dinner! ><"
kumasan eats a lot a lot a lot
but never grows fat ^^"
kekekkeek so cute!
that's all for today.....
very short plans
and very short day
need more hours... seriously..
tomorrow, i'll be back in school .
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Tyre, Buffet & Movie
I ended up changing the flat tyre with my bare hands. Ye, some of you might think that a weakling like me would not be able to do it. But ta-da, everything done in less than 30 minutes! Usagi was by my side giving support and uhm...wiping my hands tediously with wet-ones after the 'mission'. We managed to catch up with the others for lunch.
Dinner happened at Tropicana Golf & Country Resort with some family friends. It was a buffet dinner at The Palm.

Okay, I tend to turn crazy on the word 'buffet' simply because I love food!! Anyway, nothing biggy to mention about the food there. The grilled prawns were probably the best. Others were just normal or even below average. My rating? 5/10. Definitely not worth for the price.
At 11.30pm, we met up with Kok Hoe, Lih Yee, Sai Chow, Chee Hong, Sze Chern n gf, Seng Hon at GSC 1 Utama for the movie The Myth (Starring Jackie Chan). I was doomed to disappointment due to my high expectations from Jackie. Due to the lack of sanity in the show, I actually dozed off for a good 10 minutes or so. Not sure what everyone thinks, but this kind of show bores me. Rating: 6/10.
Adding to my previous post, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Sai Chow for pit stopping at numerous pharmacies to get me Ponstan (for my migraine). It seemed that some closed early while some had closed prescription counters. With his perfect instincts and proficient driving skills, he was able to deliver me the medications within the least amount of time required.
Halfway through writing this post (as of now), usagi said that she is also in the middle of penning down a post. So, we made a bet to see who contributes the longest post....
bet :P
*smiles cunningly*
Saturday, September 24, 2005
An hour later, I woke up from sleep, barged into the toilet and puked. Went back to sleep, and did another 10-times-more-enhanced puke. Basically, my whole day nutrients were gone. I also skipped dinner due to extreme discomfort.
Can't deny that all good things come to an end when migraine occurs. Kok Hoe, Sai Chow and Chee Hong dropped by at the Condo as planned earlier (for the first time ever, hence being our guests for the night), with DVD Player, chips, drinks, Ponstan (my migraine medication thanks to Kok Hoe), companionship and everything else... Unfortunately, I had to hit the sack 30+ minutes after joining them for their insanely humourous Canto DVD movie. The movie did a great job in distracting me from my pain for awhile, before I finally submitted myself to my inner disturbance and had a shut eye. Usagi was totally exhausted as well, so she joined me...
We woke up at about 1am and to our dismay, laughters were gone, everyone kinda vanished into thin air. Sorry guys for not attending to you' come more often to accompany us :) (usagi said the same thing too!) Promise the next one will be a lot better :p
Friday, September 23, 2005
Another day...
Look at the blinkies. Mmm...rabbit and squirrel...aren't they cute??? Well, if usagi (chii) = rabbit, i guess i'm the squirrel eh? But wait, I'm not!!! Why did I even put up a squirrel blinkie? #$*&*@ But anyway, squirrels are cool :)
At this very moment (8:40pm), usagi called. I screamed "Don't kacau me" and she replied "AAHHHHH...I want to kacau!" Okay. I lost...eventually....
Half an hour later, there I was at Coffee Bean SS2, with Sai Chow, Kok Hoe, Sze Chern n gf. Got ourselves drinks and enjoyed 15% discount off specially for Citibank users.

The one you see right in front is Banana Caramel (only available for a period of time). I would have to say that it's my fav due to the fact that I'm caffeine-intolerent which thus excludes 70% of Coffee Bean's drinks. It's soothing and refreshing, kinda gives a tropical feel. What I can say is, you need to try it to understand it :p The one on the left is Malibu Dream and the one on the right is Blackforest.
After getting seated, then started our laughable yet informative chat session which covered topics such as "Anti-Wrinkle cream is made of foreskin cells" and "How does a laptop detector work?"...But anyhow, let's not get any further ;) There were lots more other topics raised up in the 2 hours chat but writing them all down would probably take pages.
Can't wait till weekend starts. Looking forward to meet usagi tomorrow night :D
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
thanks ^^
morning, communications studies, test,
right afer that, went to ISETAN for the sale the list of stuff that i i bought is inclusive of super super nice cute stuffies!!!
here is the list of cute cute items...: (pictures to be updated this weekend k? promise!!)
wasabi peas and nuts (kasugai)
spicy mexican snack.
HI-Chew, strawberry..
hello kitty candy
Gundam Seed candy
Davidoff coffee,
dishwashing liquid,
shower gel,
Pit > glu Stik
i think there's more... just cannot remember,,, > <" would be.... , rushed back to PJ at 3.30 pm,
wanted to take a nap... but ended up chatting wif paw paw about Toshiba laptops....
mum called at about 5.50 pm and
we went to selangor's capital at 6 pm,
what did we do there? ShOPPINg!
this time for some nice nice nice once.....
came back at 10 pm....gosh!!!
and that was the entire day of hecticness.....
my eyes were screaming " HIT THE SACK!!"
when kumasan called... i was actually asleep ^^ kekekek but
i told him the other end of the story ekkeek
Making major decisions in life are the most difficult, I hope this time I enjoy the better out of it (that's if everything favours me *fingers crossed*)
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
ウイイリ ウオンーカ と ChocChoc 世界
test tomorrow....^^ looking for similes...kinda bored... so i decided to BLOG!
ISETAN is having a preview sale for it's loyal members ^^~ Voyage de rita..まってね。。。
^^ mum brought me shopping today!
we bought nice french laces ~~ loads of them... ooo so pretty~~~~~ ^^~
can't wait to wear them...
i chatted with marissa on MSN for a while today... ^^ really missed her...
been thinking about everyone in RMIT, Aus. really really missed the company of one bunch of funkie nutty accounts and economics & finance students
^^ lurve you guys! come back soon k?
oh.. another thing that crawled into my brain today...

mum brought up the issue on my birthday celebration this year... > <"
where should it be, how's it gonna be, what kind of theme....
gosh!!! so soon??
i said :
mum, it's on november....why plan it so soon ? ^^*SiGh...* ^^"
how lei?
kumasan... どう?
any suggestion guyz?
mum was saying that maybe the party should br made at my Condo...pool side barbe^^
it'll be nice...
beautifulll landscape.. with water feature and a nice pool.....
with a very well built (looks and functionality) barbecue pit ^^

usagi says: "loves it!"
but........ i am looking for more ideas...choices...^^ kekek
i'm just a fussy little bunny ~^^~
need some help ere~~~ ^^ thanks guyz~~ anyone..... with any idea ^^
really really appreaciated!!
Thai Express @ The Curve
Since usagi and I frequent The Curve + Ikano + One Utama every weekend, we do actually keep track of prices in food outlets that catch our attention. I am pretty certain that Thai Express raised their food prices by about RM4 per dish...However, this did not stop us from trying (though it would be better off if we tried them last week).
It is rather unfortunate this blog started a little too late for us to do coverage on all the yummy-licious food we have tried around our area. But anyhow, more will come from now on. That is IF we get more visitors and more comments from you people out there :)
Before going to the plates, here's some pics taken at The Curve comes the food... Papaya salad (RM6.90), Green Chicken Curry (RM10.90), Green Tea (RM4.50)
Despite all the criticism, the food tasted probably it's worth a try.

Monday, September 19, 2005
Sick Day
sore throat...
these are the colours of the virus that went into my system to destroy my army of healthy cells.
kumasan soooo sweet de...
he came over to see me and gave me a big pack of Cool Fever
and he stayed and looked after me muax~*
since i am sick, i will put some colour into every expression i would like to make. ^^~
to make things a tad betteR!
I'm going back to school tomorrow...
so everything will be back to normal. just hope that my fever will be cured by tomorrow. ^^
so irritating.... my tempreture went up again after mum stressed me.
there's a test on this wednesday...and there isn't any material to read from.. i think we must rely on the years of english grammar knowledge to answer it
i am just afraid of term names such as "topic sentence" and "link words"
i wish i could just bring back my PC every weekend... it would be so much nicer....
bring back the LCD monitor, optical mouse, keyboard, portable HDD and CPU......
it's just too much hassle and too heavy....gawD..!
i feel so uncomfortable now... >< " the sore in my throat!!!!
at least i finished my essay and questionnaire for wednesday ^^
i'd better go sleep...( right, kumasan?)
nightZzzZZz kumasan, nightz guys...
busyness busyness go away, come again in another lightyear...
"sigh~"i think i'm sick again...after one week half of viral infection and another with a carefree healthy week, here it comes again....
i wonder why.... must be the haze..
me and kumasan went to the Curve, in the evening. i bought some vege, choc and Pocky from Cold Storage. went pass opera pattissere no ojisan, said "konbanwa"
there was a promotion for the strawberry shortcake ^^ yea!

*hep chuu!* ><" tissue~ tissue~tissue~~ really bad..... anyways back tot he things i love! ^^ but but i din buy ...errr din feel like buying.. was thinking that i might want it after dinner. we couldn't decide on our dining spread. too many choices... but at the end, ended up in Thai Express ^^ ask kumasan to display the photos if you guys are keen to have a look at the surroundings : P he went crazy over taking shots at the place ^^ what did we ordered, you ask? errr green curry and papaya salad and green tea (costs us a whooping RM4.50. The tea, that is). nose is blocked... ><" better go have a "shut-eye" now. [EnD]
Sunday, September 18, 2005
My Graduation Day
What seemed to be my dream four years ago finally came true. Nothing much I can say about this dream of mine except that everything went in a flash, leaving behind vivid memories of friends and lecturers. My '7-months-after-my-completion-of-studies' graduation ceremony wasn't something I was eagerly looking forward to, due to the fact that it is scheduled so damn late! Nonetheless, I was rather excited on the day itself (Sept 17, 2005).
Having it at Sunway Lagoon Resort was something to be proud of (for myself), not to mention the nice setting and preparations done. I felt like I was in Melbourne once again, after seeing so many aussies congregating at an event. They came here to manage the entire function, together with souvenirs, graduation robes, photographers, lecturers and props.
I reckon, that was the only time I was able to meet most of my uni mates after soooo long, and I strongly hope that there's a chance in the near future to meet again *fingers crossed* Can't blame anyone since everyone has a hectic work life, with lots of commitments and are stationed at various states.
Anyways, everything went smoothly, with a few surprises in between. A graduan with a terribly long name which goes like Kosmapatabendige Sandun Lakmika Dalpatadu gave the m.c a pretty hard time while we, the audience giggled away. Another attempt to humiliation caught my eye, when a female graduan who was in the midst of tripping over our Chancellor, managed to secure and balance herself after a few faulty steps.
All in all, it was a wonderful day with splendid possession of planning, and definitely a bookmark in my life.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Pinky st.

Arcrueido Pinky Street! and guess who's the babe on the background *wink*
forgot to send this pic to the babe ^^
sorry marissa....^^
[^o -]
Friday, September 16, 2005

too tired liaos
the test.....yes.... it was tiring!!!
very very tiring..
i am so tired now dun feel like cooking....skipping dinner > <" i'm still in the school's library....^^" no energy to drive also gonna rot here liaos....^^ today, nothing much..... something is wrong with my PC ... {-_ -}zzZz it automatically shuts itself down.... but,,,,,when it shuts down, it doesn't go to the normal mode of shutting down... instead it's like totally power off de.....Gosh!! kumasan said,...
maybe virus if it is not the processor's fan....yeaY! weekend has arrived...! but ... so may homework to finish up....
have to bring it back to DJ... but .... mmmmmmm
creative design,
essay,questionaire > <"
*~( "...." )~
dun think that it is a good idea to take shoots in the middle of a deserted forest...
okay okay....enough of wenwey's ^^
back to me! chii~*
firstly, must make ANNOUNCEMENT! to everybodeee
kumasan gave me Willy WONKA's choc bar!!!!!
and inside, there are 5 golden tickets to visit the choco factory!!! ^^~*+*+
MUAX! lub kumasan!
oh, wanna see the pic ? ^^ i'll post it up later kekeke
Believe It or Not?
Who would have expected that what appears to be a business advert of a train company (KCRC), eventually turned out to be something of disbelieves. Featuring a bunch of innocent moreover ecstatic looking kids in the advert was probably one wise move in drawing attention, but not when things went wrong.
What I am about to say will be totally subjective so it isn't worth arguing over. Some might have watched it before, so just treat this as a 'refreshment screening' :p
this advertisement is very popular in hk cos most of the ppl has seen something extra in this advertisement when the director of the ads review the ads in midnight. In this video, there were suppose to be 6 children playing games in the video but at the end of the video, there is an extra person...
In the video, the children were running in a row, one after another with hands on the shoulder of the person infront. and the last person is a fat boy. Towards the end of the video, there is one extra person behind the fat boy. she has a pony tail. The last person in the row should be the fat boy. where did that girl came from!!
I watched it twice and was given the creeps. I probably won't watch it another time, assuming that everything quoted is authentic.
Download video clip here
So, Believe It or Not?
Fast Food Anyone?
Anyways, as I filter through my imaginations, I can vividly bring back all my fast food related memories during my childhood times...*wanders* Now let me bring ya'll back to a century and a half ago (or maybe more?), when petrol was dirt cheap (compared to today) while mobile phones were simply unaffordable by many. That was the time when Grandy's and White Castle exist. Being a fast food fan myself (like any other kid) in the past, it isn't much of a surprise that I did celebrate my birthday at Maccas (McDonalds) and I too, frequented various fast food taverns ocassionally. If fact, most of us still love fast food till now. IMHO, we were drugged by these fast food companies since young - which brings me totalk about the movie called Super Size Me (chii~ downloaded it last week and we watched it over the weekend).
This "documentary" features everything that you know, and don't about Maccas. I can't deny that this movie makes me think twice before settling for Maccas, but not for long! I just enjoyed a hearty meal of Maccas an hour ago, ever since my last visit couple of weeks back. All thanks to Sai who invited me for dinner :p Funny as I think about it, bouncing back to my usual fast food fanatic self on the same day I blog about fast food. Coincidence?
So, which fast food chain do you guys favour the most? KFC? Burger King? Maccas? Marybrown? or even Taco Bell? Hungry Jacks? (if only we have them here...)

Thursday, September 15, 2005
test tomorrow..... x_x"
got so many homework!!!
tick toc' tick toc'

couldn't sleep well ...yes....again you say ^^"
ee lynn!!! i want those LVs!!
i haven't apologized for flooding くまさ'sんblog ^^" since it WAS supposed to be
く ま さ ん の日記
erke!! i am going to bring my keyboard to school today! : P
hate the (superbly outdated) apply keyboard at school.....
go there and type a lot of nonsense...
anyways....lets review yesterday's events.
went to school,...yes...
after english class got an essay and questionnaire to draft during the weekend and passing up next week...
went to see Raudzah to do some rendering"
Marcela followed my car right after my meet with Raudzah...
dropped marcela at vista prima (or something that sounds like that)
drove home in a blurry mode....almost knock into a car while overtaking this lame CRV... > <" that car was practically driving at 60km/h on the right lane of the highway, was it my fault??!! went home, papa was surfing the net ate an apple and a pear continued playing with colours on my illustration board( another to submit....dunno when) then......wait till papa stoppped hogging the PC jumped on the chair and started surfing the web for cute cute stuff! err...chatted with kumasan(huggie~) and for the rest of the night... did homework and had a lot of thoughts going through my mind. was thinking
wow, mummy is coming back from China, she is gonna appear with loads of stuff definitely.....true enough, at 11, mummy came back, throwing me dozens of shawls, bracelets, drop earrings, a silk quilt, mooncakes....ermmmm embroidered pumps and .....i don't noe... lost count.
> <"
too many things..
kumasan came over at 12 + ( muax~)
after he left, i was still having thoughs in my mind. (STOP thinking TOO much!!! )
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Katrina and stuff
I must say that these pictures are beautifully taken, with the perfect blending of colours...

On a totally different note, I present to you my partner blogger cum life sharer, Akiko Chii~*
(p/s: sorry for the late intro baby :-) )
~gayness in the air~
breaktime from english class. * wondering what is happening on the other side of selangor*
have to go back to class at 11.30 (#)
more essays due and no holidays available...
have to meet lecturer later in the afternoon,
i can feel the nerd aura all around me today.... must be the enthu" of the upcoming tests, quizes and exams.
lessons about topic sentences, main body and conclusions in an essay bores me....
i wonder what will the rest of the day be like, with a lot of homework to deal with
and anticipated hours.
guess i'll be destressing with a visit to toys 'R' us later ^^ hunt for cute cute stuffies!
*bunny hop*
Playyystation Portable!

today is ....
and....therefore i have to attend my english course...
Mr. Andrew is going to talk about advertising relativity to english grammar sightings...
i wonder whether it will be boring or interesting...mmm ^^"
(ponder ponder~~)
last week, someone complaint ( in a playful way) that there was a japanese girl who doesn't attend her english classes...
there are only a few of us in class... i wonder who's the bloke...><"

as the night goes by.....
the snoring and buzzing or his breathing.....
is turning the space to bare.
10 minutes turn into half past one hour...
still counting into the night through..
fiddle fiddle goes his nostrils...
as i continue minding my own riddle.
Labels: foody
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
....usagi usagi usagi
The Opening of Ceremony
Just 2 hours after my blog's birth, I was greeted upon by well-wishers with mind-blogging yet twisted quotes, which are in no way related or carry any sense to me ^^"
But anyhow, they deserve to be mentioned, due to the fact that we are so close by heart yet so far by distance (for now). Why quotes you may ask? Well. I just wanna do it damit!
Totally random and bizzare, I present you:
alex - "only god shall judge me"
moy- "i lan si o u lan si ? i lan si is my business , u kepoh wat"
spoonkin - "i won't wh4"
drums - "ppl wan you oso wan, buei pai seh one"
sai - "Milo can never sit next to Teh O ice limau"
ehho - "i love engineering"
chii~* - "so gay!"
The Birth
Here I am, sitting in my cubicle at my office, with absolutely nothing to do *cough*...
< ~20 minutes later >
Having a sudden urge to spill thoughts outta my mind to the general masses of the online community with I-don't-care-a-damn-about-your-blog attitude, I have decided to bow down to blogspot and submit to their 'free' services, hence be their slave forever!
My baby is born =)
My blog will contain my random thoughts and rants, and since I am not someone who day-dreams all the time, I won't guarantee consistent postings.
I have a tendency to use words that comes to my mind at random times (Excessive, impulsive, offensive, heart-stabbing, emotionally disturbing vocabs INCLUDED), so those of you below the age of like uhm..12, do kindly bookmark my blog and learn more words in a day!
And...last but not least,
*blows imaginary candles*