Saturday, January 28, 2006
thanks niichan!
sometimes, being brave is necessary. just don't think too much cuz thinking
will only make you loose confidence. the first step is the hardest but nothing
will happen if you don't act
these are the words, uttered by my niichan to me.
this evening. well, i think he has changed tremendously!
great! ^^ i am so happy to hear these from him.
well, it actually made me think deeply too... it's kinda true. the words..
but he did mention that it's easy to say, hard to act upon.
yurp! true also....
nod nod~
~INsomniA~ on the eve of CNY
but i'm sure glad that mum and uncle philip hasn't come back from pubbing !
^^ so happening.
but i would love to meet up with uncle philip's friends ^^
i heard their conversation on his mobile during our ride this evening.
the person on the other side of the line sounded really cool, well,
as if she was in her late 20s'
not too bad. must be the type who still goes clubbing every weekend.
even my granny knows her! so, why not me!!?
i'm gonna follow them if they go out for tea or something ^^

this mags, i brought it from home,
can never get to find vogues here. the other local mags.....can't really stand them... unless it's a desperate need of reading and max boredomhood arises.
i haven't even touched them yet... just waiting for the right moment to cast myself away from monster maaam
well, i'll just set myself to sleep....
Friday, January 27, 2006
chinese new year come back?

Explaination for the pics above?
^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the story starts here:
sadly, i was tricked ( forced ) to go back to my mum's hometown today.
and what a nightmare it had been during the whole journey back,
well, for one thing, at least i got to ask my way out to happiness.
there are 3 things that i want and wanted to have an answer to, this chinese new year.
- a Machintosh
- holiday trip down south
- get my a** back home ASAP!
well, lucky for me, it's GREEN for all my wants! ^^ yippeee
so, me will me home for kumasan and movie and home and .... ^^
We Are Still Aliveeeeee~
I hope not all of ya have actually deleted this link from ya bookmark or favourites. If you had, add it back!*@&$
Hoho, sometimes you tend to get a little bit out of your mind when good things happen all around you, aigh?
Currently, I'm still waiting for Akiko to get her @ss online on dial-up, live from Sitiawan...Yes...Sitiawan DOES have internet connection, OK! About 39 minutes ago, she text-ed me saying that she's downloading MSN :X I wonder what's the progress now :S
And....early this morning, I kinda added in falling sakura-flakes to our bloggie, courtesy of my colleague! Initially it's falling snow-flakes but I made some kick-ass editing on some sakura pics I found on the net using MICROSOFT PAINT with zoom! I was about to look for Mei Hua pics becoz of the CNY and everything but then, I realized that I never did know or forgot what's Mei Hua means in english :S Paiseh paiseh...So, I ended up using sakura flower, which is also Akiko's favourite! :D so thoughtful :P
Besides all the good news I mentioned up there, I just got myself a Panasonic FX9 ultra compact digicam!!!!! I planned to post the pics of my cam up but then I thought again, the hell am I suppose to take the pic of my cam? :O Will wait for Akiko to return with her cute lil' cam to take my cam's pic...Somehow this sound pretty ironic, doesn't it?
Ok till then, Akiko is online! Stay tuned~~~
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The FINAL Wait
Note: The FINAL Wait has ended on a positive note, catching me off guard. The past few days have been mind-straining. Being put under a patience test resulted in extreme pressure and wild assumptions. I'm glad that it's (almost) over now. Here comes my new life!
A BIG thankiew to my Akiko for the warm comfort and wise advice :) Muaks!
Yes...tis thee Final aye'
*fingers crossed*
*toes crossed*
*hair crossed*
*legs crossed*
*hands crossed*
TBA asap zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzarrrkkkkkkk....!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Reaching for the Stars
Sunday, January 15, 2006

thanks to both my best friends who are in Sydney, Lynn and Gek ^^ (hugs~*)
i've been using it ever since Gek, dropped over my place three days ago
she got this really cute pair of sunglass (paco rabanne) and jewel studded carved in thong (nose),
yes, Gek told me it was the most outrageous design they had on the rack.
you go girL!
nice stuff.
for my lil' cute wristlet, i attached a bell and butterfly for detail ^^
can't leave it bare can i? ^.^~
Yesterday night, kumasan was just "sweet".
Kumasan brought me to Japanese for dinner .
i haven't had japanese for quite some time, and i totally missed it.
so, kumasan actually hit the right node for bringing me there.
our choice:
Soft Shell Crab, Breaded Chicken, fresh Strawberry sorbet and a tamago gunkan.
Ocha was the usual.
^^ these are not what i would usually order.
but, i was thinking of trying some premiums with kumasan (especially with kumasan) ^^
you guys must be wondering: "why can't you just go japanese on your own?"
well, simple.
i can never finish one meal alone. it will go to waste without kumasan ^^ ( right kumasan? )
earlier, i had a suprise call from Hary ^^
it was so nice of him to call me all the way from UK.
tried to cheat me by pretending that he is in Klang now. > <" looser! ekkkeekek he is such a joker. can never get enough of him, really. ^^ ya....thinking back to the last meal we had together at Chilli's
- note: Females, in search of a hairy bod, this is your Man.
back to the clock.
after dinner,
kumasan and i, went for a little walk around.
we found some stuff at 3.6 , arnold palmer
there was another brand...from HK... forgotten it's name.
the price was not too bad too...
i was thinking about TOUGH. there were 2 tops that caught my eye ^ ^ cute!
maybe i'll consider buying them.
later at night,
kumasan had a game of DOTA.
i completed a bracelet for him (hope he likes it)
and made an apple plush for Aunty ah Yoke ^^
really hope she likes it too.
Friday, January 13, 2006
poor little Cyclops : (

weiredest stuff ever...
have you guys seen a cyclops in real life form?
><" in additon to that kinda condition, the little kitty is so pityful.... kinda sad to see such a lifeform being taken away so easily. for the full report, you can go to TheNewAge newspaper webpage
i was so shocked to see the picture itself...
really looked like a cyclops...
my bro forwarded the webpage to me. ^^"
now, here comes the good news!
my japanese intermediate has ended!!!!!! and i got the cert in my hands! ahahahahaha
i'm just waiting for the next level to start! call me enthusiatic , i don't really care ^^
and kumasan owe me something once more!
tee heeee.... plus the other time's owing, ... let's see...
1 owing + 1 owing = 2 owingS!
i met ee leine ( japanese class) 's 3 other friends today, during lunch time.
wow, she has a very happening group. MORE HAPPENING THAN YOUR GROUP SPOON!!
spoon's group includes : DRUMS, etc..... ^^" you name it.
kumasan is also in! ( booohooooooo )
and kumasan is also very happy today. why? beats me... go ask him yourself.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Wait
Every now and then, part of your life involves 'waiting', depending on whether you actually realize it or not.
There are many kinds of 'wait'. I guess i'll categorize them as minor and major waits.
Minor waits are probably sooo common that it's negligible in sense. Such 'waits' include the 'wait' when you are having a dump, when you are stopping at the traffic light, or even when your Dota game is loading (might fall under 'major')
Major waits are the waits that consumes your soul and energy, drains your concentration, absorbs your emotions and leech away your patience! - or I should say, cause a great impact on your normal day. Looking at life in a big picture, we are 'waiting' for death (not like it concerns us, for now). Okay, back to the point. Such major waits can change our lives, our characters and even the people around us. Geez, I am really have a hard time conveying my thoughts through words :(
Anyway, I am currently in a major wait, hoping that the wait will come to an end on a positive note, of course. Else, I will have to go on waiting....not sure till when....*sigh*
Why not on Friday?
me? not sure. maybe not too....
shiken on friday! > <"
i didn't make it for my monday test,
so i requested to sit for the paper on friday.
just got the revision papier today ^^
wasn't too stressed out trying out the papier though...
gosh, kumasan was so tired...
what's with all the work a guy can load nowadays!!
they really squeeze you dry don't they!
we need a more proactive Employees Union Here ^^"
since i was given a slight push from kumasan
to start jotting (in our rhythmic yt incoherent babbles blog) again,
i have made a special effort to snap some shots in my blue kitchen and irritate my kitty ^^ tee hee...
i had a slight feverish feel this morning. so, panadol was the obtion for a cure.
alas! i didn't take it ^^ what a bummer right?
actually, i had this Panadol Actifast that Aunty Irene gave...can't take it. too powerful .
this, my cute teddy coasters! postings and fridge magnets holding on to recipes and receipt of all sorts!
eggs! fresh from the farm ~
good night~ hugs and muax to kumasan...^^
Monday, January 09, 2006
'Larger Than Life' Monopoly
Anyway, check out the pictures below and notice the prison suit as well, cool ain't it? The grand prize is the red colour fully modified Audi TT (yummy...)

Sunday, January 08, 2006
my language level examination!
hope i score big! ^^"
really... hopefully.......
been having weird dreams lately...
i was over at my cousin's place yesterday.... wow.. nice BED!
i scored a record sleeping time.
12 hours!
hey!, may not seem much to you guys.. but it is A LOT for ME!
since i am such a feather sleeper.
i was thinking as well, about continuing my studies in overseas..
europe or asia.
i perfer asia.
but.,..... mybeloveed cousins and aunt is in europe!
have to rethink.
anyone know anything about middlesex university,
st. martin's university
and London's Fashion College?
i'll have to drag my butt to the British council in KL if i don't get any information around here..
mum bought me THE BOOK!

i am sooo happy!
but ever since i put down the book, kumasan has been hogging it > <" next time, i'll hide all my new books... ^^ i'll finish them and make it a bait for getting favors out of my dear kumasan ^^
tee hee...
i am planning to go to Tesco later...
have to refund some stuff and maybe go look for some other Books! from Borders ^^
tee hee.... i saw a lot of other nice ones!!!!!! ooooooooo wish i have all the money in the world to get all the books and create a giant library, 2 storeys tall cupboard in my house!
and thanks to my cous, nataline, for borrowing me her Narnia. muax muax muax.
ooops... gone overboard.
i think i better go back to my revision.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
New Year @ The Curve

I wonder why these fireworks came out pretty weird...looks similar to those electromagnetic balls :| Anyone care to explain? haha..
Gtg now, next post up soonish!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Catch Up!
but once you get the rhythm, everything comes as graceful as can be.
true, on my side ^^
Language proficiency,
Accounting and finance,
roller blading or ice skating,
Flute, Picolo
Organ, Piano
i just hope that i can score in my language examination on monday.
a lot of memorizing to do.
and everyday, is a tiring day.
well, at least i get to further my language studies till up to this far and i am planning to go further too.
oh, ya.
anyone studied in middlesex or london school of fashion or St. Martin's
need some experience feeback, if you, you and you don't mind sharing ^^
thanks! 宜しくお願いします
i have no comment on how the aMPeeSJay runs it.
they took one big parking lot and made it into car tol bank.
'A'shea park charge rm2 /hour of parking.
talk about price hike.
no wonder ppl there makes so many obtructive parkings, causing driveway jams,
and incurable stress.
some one should do something about it! gawd!
no further complaints for today.
just need to get a book. RM 47.90
In a Dilemma...

lets go straight to the point. does apple strudels taste bitter?
i mean... the cream and the puff is sweet... but doesn't the apple supposed to taste sweet too?
or at least slightly sour and NOT BITTER at all?
i don't know ....
the chef says that it's because of the green apples
( red apples was the original ingredient) used ,
the apple slices in the strudle is bitter and it is supposed to taste like that.
but why did they take such a long time to just inform me that the apple strudel is a BITTER apple strudel and not a sweet one?
the manager says that it is just a normal recipe. and tastes that way.
so, he charged it into our bill. the total for a cheese cake and a strudel? RM19
let's guess what's that cafe's name.
very well known,
supposedly a good image stapled on the cakes and patissere,
from Singapore,
one just opened in One Utama, Bandar Utama,
and they have one more in Bangsar Village. tastes like pesticide to me.
any second goers for this BITTER apple strudel?