Sunday, January 08, 2006
my language level examination!
hope i score big! ^^"
really... hopefully.......
been having weird dreams lately...
i was over at my cousin's place yesterday.... wow.. nice BED!
i scored a record sleeping time.
12 hours!
hey!, may not seem much to you guys.. but it is A LOT for ME!
since i am such a feather sleeper.
i was thinking as well, about continuing my studies in overseas..
europe or asia.
i perfer asia.
but.,..... mybeloveed cousins and aunt is in europe!
have to rethink.
anyone know anything about middlesex university,
st. martin's university
and London's Fashion College?
i'll have to drag my butt to the British council in KL if i don't get any information around here..
mum bought me THE BOOK!

i am sooo happy!
but ever since i put down the book, kumasan has been hogging it > <" next time, i'll hide all my new books... ^^ i'll finish them and make it a bait for getting favors out of my dear kumasan ^^
tee hee...
i am planning to go to Tesco later...
have to refund some stuff and maybe go look for some other Books! from Borders ^^
tee hee.... i saw a lot of other nice ones!!!!!! ooooooooo wish i have all the money in the world to get all the books and create a giant library, 2 storeys tall cupboard in my house!
and thanks to my cous, nataline, for borrowing me her Narnia. muax muax muax.
ooops... gone overboard.
i think i better go back to my revision.
my language level examination!
hope i score big! ^^"
really... hopefully.......
been having weird dreams lately...
i was over at my cousin's place yesterday.... wow.. nice BED!
i scored a record sleeping time.
12 hours!
hey!, may not seem much to you guys.. but it is A LOT for ME!
since i am such a feather sleeper.
i was thinking as well, about continuing my studies in overseas..
europe or asia.
i perfer asia.
but.,..... mybeloveed cousins and aunt is in europe!
have to rethink.
anyone know anything about middlesex university,
st. martin's university
and London's Fashion College?
i'll have to drag my butt to the British council in KL if i don't get any information around here..
mum bought me THE BOOK!

i am sooo happy!
but ever since i put down the book, kumasan has been hogging it > <" next time, i'll hide all my new books... ^^ i'll finish them and make it a bait for getting favors out of my dear kumasan ^^
tee hee...
i am planning to go to Tesco later...
have to refund some stuff and maybe go look for some other Books! from Borders ^^
tee hee.... i saw a lot of other nice ones!!!!!! ooooooooo wish i have all the money in the world to get all the books and create a giant library, 2 storeys tall cupboard in my house!
and thanks to my cous, nataline, for borrowing me her Narnia. muax muax muax.
ooops... gone overboard.
i think i better go back to my revision.
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how bout a 2 storey library with a king size bed in the middle? we can like build book racks that goes right up to the ceiling all along the walls!
*imagines* :p
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*imagines* :p
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