Sunday, January 15, 2006
would you guys just check this COACH out! 

thanks to both my best friends who are in Sydney, Lynn and Gek ^^ (hugs~*)
i've been using it ever since Gek, dropped over my place three days ago
she got this really cute pair of sunglass (paco rabanne) and jewel studded carved in thong (nose),
yes, Gek told me it was the most outrageous design they had on the rack.
you go girL!
nice stuff.
for my lil' cute wristlet, i attached a bell and butterfly for detail ^^
can't leave it bare can i? ^.^~
Yesterday night, kumasan was just "sweet".
Kumasan brought me to Japanese for dinner .
i haven't had japanese for quite some time, and i totally missed it.
so, kumasan actually hit the right node for bringing me there.
our choice:
Soft Shell Crab, Breaded Chicken, fresh Strawberry sorbet and a tamago gunkan.
Ocha was the usual.
^^ these are not what i would usually order.
but, i was thinking of trying some premiums with kumasan (especially with kumasan) ^^
you guys must be wondering: "why can't you just go japanese on your own?"
well, simple.
i can never finish one meal alone. it will go to waste without kumasan ^^ ( right kumasan? )
earlier, i had a suprise call from Hary ^^
it was so nice of him to call me all the way from UK.
tried to cheat me by pretending that he is in Klang now. > <" looser! ekkkeekek he is such a joker. can never get enough of him, really. ^^ ya....thinking back to the last meal we had together at Chilli's
back to the clock.
after dinner,
kumasan and i, went for a little walk around.
we found some stuff at 3.6 , arnold palmer
there was another brand...from HK... forgotten it's name.
the price was not too bad too...
i was thinking about TOUGH. there were 2 tops that caught my eye ^ ^ cute!
maybe i'll consider buying them.
later at night,
kumasan had a game of DOTA.
i completed a bracelet for him (hope he likes it)
and made an apple plush for Aunty ah Yoke ^^
really hope she likes it too.

thanks to both my best friends who are in Sydney, Lynn and Gek ^^ (hugs~*)
i've been using it ever since Gek, dropped over my place three days ago
she got this really cute pair of sunglass (paco rabanne) and jewel studded carved in thong (nose),
yes, Gek told me it was the most outrageous design they had on the rack.
you go girL!
nice stuff.
for my lil' cute wristlet, i attached a bell and butterfly for detail ^^
can't leave it bare can i? ^.^~
Yesterday night, kumasan was just "sweet".
Kumasan brought me to Japanese for dinner .
i haven't had japanese for quite some time, and i totally missed it.
so, kumasan actually hit the right node for bringing me there.
our choice:
Soft Shell Crab, Breaded Chicken, fresh Strawberry sorbet and a tamago gunkan.
Ocha was the usual.
^^ these are not what i would usually order.
but, i was thinking of trying some premiums with kumasan (especially with kumasan) ^^
you guys must be wondering: "why can't you just go japanese on your own?"
well, simple.
i can never finish one meal alone. it will go to waste without kumasan ^^ ( right kumasan? )
earlier, i had a suprise call from Hary ^^
it was so nice of him to call me all the way from UK.
tried to cheat me by pretending that he is in Klang now. > <" looser! ekkkeekek he is such a joker. can never get enough of him, really. ^^ ya....thinking back to the last meal we had together at Chilli's
- note: Females, in search of a hairy bod, this is your Man.
back to the clock.
after dinner,
kumasan and i, went for a little walk around.
we found some stuff at 3.6 , arnold palmer
there was another brand...from HK... forgotten it's name.
the price was not too bad too...
i was thinking about TOUGH. there were 2 tops that caught my eye ^ ^ cute!
maybe i'll consider buying them.
later at night,
kumasan had a game of DOTA.
i completed a bracelet for him (hope he likes it)
and made an apple plush for Aunty ah Yoke ^^
really hope she likes it too.
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^^" it's so wrong to go KLCC to check on COACH wristlets, chap.the only thing COACH, KLCC have is "granny" bags.
The poor boutique assistant there does not even know what is a mini ipod, mind you.
go to KLCC for cute wristlets? think again chap.
The poor boutique assistant there does not even know what is a mini ipod, mind you.
go to KLCC for cute wristlets? think again chap.
hahhaha..i know. end of story malaysia oversea brand are dumb. "We" tend to love outdated stuff from them. lol
she got another pair of sunnies? she is obsessed, do you know she bought about 13 pairs of sunnies in less than 2 mths??? make her show u her cavalli aviators....SO BLING! I LIKE!!
i'm glad u like the wristlet ;)
and it looks so cute with the bell and butterfly. it reminds me of a ripe 'kumquat'!!! you know those small lime tree plants we have. you got to make me a durian looking one next time hehee...
i'm glad u like the wristlet ;)
and it looks so cute with the bell and butterfly. it reminds me of a ripe 'kumquat'!!! you know those small lime tree plants we have. you got to make me a durian looking one next time hehee...
oh that was me by the way!
and i think arnold palmer is soooo cute! with the bunny holding the umbrella. last time it was just for men. :lyn:
and i think arnold palmer is soooo cute! with the bunny holding the umbrella. last time it was just for men. :lyn:
^^" okaysss
i didn't know she bought so many in such a short period..
^^" she is just bonkersz this gek.
i shall ask her to show it to me ahahah aviators!!
and she went to Shogun japanese buffet dinner with Soo , and then movie - Oliver Twist.
i am not such a big fan of buffets since i can't fit a portion that is worth my size into my tummy. ^^"
i didn't know she bought so many in such a short period..
^^" she is just bonkersz this gek.
i shall ask her to show it to me ahahah aviators!!
and she went to Shogun japanese buffet dinner with Soo , and then movie - Oliver Twist.
i am not such a big fan of buffets since i can't fit a portion that is worth my size into my tummy. ^^"
i envy their eating lifestyle.
I like buffets but it's a waste of money on me too, i usually just go for the desert
I like buffets but it's a waste of money on me too, i usually just go for the desert
hahahahaha < Buffet
^^" Gek and Soo are supergirls!
and they rated Shogun 6.5/10 & 7/10 respectively.
soo's mum even thinks that some are not as fresh... maybe should go in the afternoon ^^
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^^" Gek and Soo are supergirls!
and they rated Shogun 6.5/10 & 7/10 respectively.
soo's mum even thinks that some are not as fresh... maybe should go in the afternoon ^^
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