Thursday, February 23, 2006
Matthias with Gek! ^^
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
got a weird dream of this 8TV's Quickie host.
dreamt that i was actually sitting beside him in Pizza Uno and chatting with friends that are both ours... > <
totally weird! has started. (boring~)
and there's a b*tch instructor on the loose! ^^" not worth to even be mentioned...
i shall just leave it there. FULL STOP.
my choice of notebook...wel, it was supposed to bethe fujitsu, but
gAWD!! drown me in bad luck pls!!!! ><
it was already out of stock...
hate it when that happens.
now, back to square one. iBook?, i've just tested it out yeesterday, not too bad. just super not compatible with some software such as video conferencing' through MSN messenger....
only the iChat is "in".
Fujitsu, have to consider a nother model...
different specfications,
same pricing....and i don't need the -. - DVD burner!
how? Sony is going down on pricing problems....they have a price control that most of us cannot afford.....
i just need something small, nice, with cdR,usb ports, wireless, bluetooth......512Ram,....
chill~ i'm fine. i'm fine.i'm fine... coool down .....
*clicking aoi-continously..*
that bunny does not response much, does she....^^"
oh, time for:
kumasan is super free , starting from the 23rd of febuary 2006. He will be available at anytime, anyday, 24 hours, 7 days a week. availability is limited to a total of 8 at a time.
call in, and his secretary will have you make an appointment accordingly.
the magic line is 012 #0#0#0#
Monday, February 20, 2006
Aoi usagi!
Sunday, February 19, 2006

the food stuff, i mean. ^^
IKEA. yes.
me and guen ai went there on saturday.
she wanted to get the blue/green, four faced mutated octopus that was selling for a discounted price of only RM3.90
nothing much there, i just felt like i had just been cheated because i bought a foldable breakfast tray a few months ago, before this sale.i think it was about RM20. ><"
on the way back,
i got quite bored , driving
so, when i got a chance to have a stop at the traffic light, i took a shot at the sky.
not too bad.
it looks like it's going to rain~

Friday, February 17, 2006
an apple a day... keeps $ drifting away

Sharp 903sh in UK only comes with an airtime package and contract.
so, the lowest price anyone could get the phone for is 569BPS.
Oh well,
anyways... after al the research that i have done on a few products over the internet and travelling to electronic boutiques,
i have finally decided that i could do with a notebok only if it is lightweighted and has nice specs.
things, as long as it has got to do with notebooks and Apple, COSTS!
super high maintenance needed.
and this means that i have to choose properly! ><"
i would love

well, a notebook deserves better treatment than that, i'm sure! ^^
no brainer.
to confirm on the choice that i should make
( i have not made any decision on any notebook yet, for your info)
i dropped by at mac city in Amcorp for a final touch and feel of the iBook.
it's kinda heavy.
and everything that comes with it is super expensive.
but i have got my mini iPod,
and it would be so much easier to use it with an iBook.
more function ^^ i like~~
then again...
the weight of that thing made me give negative points to the whole idea of getting the iBook.
but i just love the OS!
and the Design!
and all the nice speakers, mouse, cable, airport extreme......
you name it!
i guess i'll just have to be rich to indulge in these kind of cute stuff.
Fujitsu wins!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
the day today to wait the day > <"

because of my mum (yes...again), i was stuck in a long Queue for registration day this morning.
the whole trip had been a nightmare.
well, the conclusion is : as long as you are with her...there are bound to be Stressful moments/periods.
anyway, lucky me, everything was done in a quiet my unexpected jiffy.
and we are back to home area in no time at all! well, of course still stuck with the stress. ><""
Mum had me waiting in the car again, while she does some banking stuff.
i hate it.
everytime whenever i have things to do, she will make me do all thesee super time consuming stuff that i totally dislike of and dispise of.. ><
stress again!
so, i got really bored and decided to take shots of everything around me. ^^
at least i got to amuse myself while she is gone.
hay luv, in the server room ma? so noisy de?
ya. so fast back from. ... ?
ya, fast fast come back better ma. cannot stand the heat and emptiness there o!
after all the drama,
i decided to be a naughty girl again, (after not being one for a few weeks ^^ ).
lunch was set at Takakura , KLGCC.
and i ordered Takakura Bentou! The pics? sorry... was too hungry, ate up quater of the serve, threw all the tempura to mum, took away the unagi and yasai with 3/4 part of the rice home ^^
yup! that's me! throw and tar pau *wink*

mum drag me to one Utama to get some item from laura mercier and Aesop from a shop.....
argh!! can't believe her....
she made calls to the contractor for the renovation job to ask about the promotion on the items that was supposed to end today( 15th Febuary ).
er....well done, mum.
does the contractor even know what is the shop that he is projecting on is selling? common sense tells me that he does not.
so, that's it! Congrats! more precious Time wasted!
+ Stress!
We drop by Giant later on
cos i wanted to get my weekly fruit and vege NEED!
ahahaha bought this Keroppi lolli ^^, wanted ice cream.. but changed my mind ^^"
was thinking about kumasan all day him in his shirt, tie and slacks! ^^
i was back in my room at about 3.45pm with a headache.
lucky me, mum wasn't demanding anymore after a whole day of stress.
i relaxed on green tea and NArnia before driving to kumasan's ^^
well, something nice today, made the rest of the evening , so gracefully sweet.
muax to kumasan. it's just being with him that i am at my fullest! kumasan,muax~
It is YOU...
It is YOU whom I strolled along with on the breezy dark road to campus,
It is YOU whom I sat next to on the night bus at Clayton Town,
It is YOU whom I hugged when you were leaving for the airport,
It is YOU whom I chatted with on MSN till the wee hours in the morning,
It is YOU whom I wanted to hug when I was high,
It is YOU whom I accompanied to KLCC,
It is YOU whom I got lost with when coming back,
It is YOU whom I received 3 pairs of ankle-length socks from,
It is YOU whom I received a bubble tea from,
It is YOU whom I presented a lantern to,
It is YOU whom I saw standing at my gate with my birthday present in hand,
It is YOU whom I consoled at McDonalds,
It is YOU whom I thought was leaving to Melbourne,
It is YOU whom I received a CK perfume set from,
It is YOU whom I held hands with during our first cinema screening,
It is YOU whom I received a call from, asking me to turn back after I dropped you off,
It is YOU whom I fell in love with,
It is YOU whom I visited at Cyberjaya every weekend,
It is YOU whom I was visited by on weekdays,
It is YOU whom I play butt-spankings with,
It is YOU whom I discuss my ideas and thoughts with,
It is YOU whom I will never get bored seeing every day, every night,
It is YOU whom I gained fashion senses from, from time to time,
It is YOU whom I receive consoles from when I am sad,
It is YOU whom I share my joy with when I am happy,
It is YOU whom I will love with all my heart and soul forever,
It is YOU whom I received the gift of life, love and happiness from,
It is YOU whom I will cherish till my very last breathe.
It is YOU whom I received a shocking surprise from on Valentines day!
Thank you for being there for me at all times, sweety. Love you lots darling, and hope we can share the rest of our lives together as one! Muaks~ :)

MY suprise!
Didn't get any pics though... didn't think of snapping ^^
loads of hugs and kisses from kumasan though ^^
tee hee....because I suprised kumasan!
There wasn't supposed to be any celebration for today, as i have stated in my previous blogin'
Reel back to the afternoon.
I arrived at Steph's place at about 1.03pm.
caught her on the PC, playing DOTA> freak~
luckily she was about to end it.
Then, we had lunch together at her house. Simple and nice ^^
Steph had to send her Grandmama to the Saloon and i tagged along.
We landed in IKANO shortly after she had dropped off grandmama cos'
i wanted to check out the weight of an 12" iBook as compared to a 13.3" Fujitsu
They told me everything was sold off. and Restocking will take another 2 days.
I didn't get my objective done, but within 20 minutes of well reserved time there,
Steph got a Wireless, Battery Free mouse ^^
not too bad.
She was complaining about her
"darn irritating mouse"while we were in Mac Centre.
kekekke at least she got rid of one of her problem ^^
i'm now listening to Utada Hikaru- Passion.
loves it! Kumasan suprised me with the song the day before yesterday ^^
i didn't know that he was downloading it.
and i was waiting for him to move his butt... we were supposed to be in midvalley..ya.... to meet up with Ai Ai and Douglas. ^^
muax to my dear kumasan!
back to this day,
Steph and i came home from IKANO and she became really tired...
so, she left me with the TV downstairs while she retired in her chamber... 3rd floor. > <" She bugged me with some Sms.... > <" lazy girl... i went upstairs at about 4.30pm and we chatted till 5.30pm. our other cousin (jye yuen) and her mum joined in our chat too ^^ i left her house to kumasan's at about 5.50pm i think,... prep for the small suprise. Jye Yuen offered to drop me off kumasan's place so that he wouldn't find out that i was over at his place. Even aunty ah yoke suggested the shoe cupboard to hide my Havaianas ..Tee Hee... Yup! His hands were cold ^^" while hugging me
everything that he said to me was sweet.... just so kumasan ^^
love kumasan....
we even managed to go over to Steph's place and hang around, playing DOTA! >< " my first. our final destination was KTZ (' Remember To Eat '-in cantonese)
came home at about 12.oo midnight.
quite a special day to remember,spending time with steph ^^
Oh, a piece of advise from Steph's mum -
><" But it was so sweet for both her parents to have a private romantic dinner together ^^ anything and all....kumasan is as sweet as can be and me loves him.... hugs~never go to Valentine Dinners, it was terrible.

Monday, February 13, 2006
Valentine Oh Valentine.....
but .. guess what!
we are not ^^"
Super jammed up - the roads.
Super pricey - food and pressies.
Super not in the mood - tiring work day.
so, i have decided to spend the whole day with my fav cousin! Stephie ^^
from afternoon till night. Might be staying over her place too, for the night ^^
he'll be joining us for the evening ^^
kumasan is so sweeet!
But, i can tell you that he is always tired nowadays....
Blame his work ^^"
okay... Boring= Work =Let's skip that topic.
so, sunday, which was yesterday, was with Guen Ai and Douglas.
Douglas was late for 1 hour...
Guen Ai was in fact , on time! ^^
and guess what she gave me for my birthday!
~+*MOMIJI*+~ muax muax!

i have fallen deeply in love with the soft yellow bunny.... ( sorry kumasan ><" ) but, before i could get my hands on it, after unwrapping the plastic,
Kumasan had already had it in his hands... planting a kiss on the bunny. (WTF!!!!)
*ooops.sorry for the uncomplimenting statement*
Anyways... the bunny is now beside him on his bed, while he is sleeping ...
so much for my cute innocent bunny....
nevermind , since kumasan is so sweeet...i'll just share the bunny with him.
*hope you won't mind the sharing, Ai Ai ^^"*
Saturday, February 11, 2006
so, Seng suggested Zen~
my first time there though... nobody brought me there before..."boo hoo"
nevermind that.
i was quite happy to meet up with Seng, Yen and Terence boi before they fly.
here's our snappy moments caught in my lens ^^


he went :
hey hey.. so cute , this mushrooom! take picture take picture!!

TempuraZen , only meant for the rich ^^" (seng)

Benny was supposed to be there with us.
Calan as well, but i guess
Benny couldn't make it because of he has to spend time to with his mommy do some stuff
calan was still asleep....or something....
and christen came so late!!!
the meet was supposed to be at 1pm,
but, christen came at about 4 i think.... ><" oh well, gtg... thinking about the whole day's plans tire me out.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
REcognise this?
i have just uploaded all my pics from my Minolta and look what i have found?!
nice colour,
cute Hello Kitty,
soundly sleeping...
is my beloved kumasan ^^
this is a rare sight for everyone else,
but for me.... > <" well, he can sleep anywhere, anytime reminds me of Totoro.
...this brings me to my anime lacking period...
which is now...
><" my pc is not working.... so, i am using my parent's and.. i am not allowed to leave it on" for downloading so, i can't possibly download any anime at all! thanks to Kok Hoe ^^ for the Gundam Seed Destiny. pardon me... i haven't got the time to watch it during my school terms... and it is starting on the 27th.
so, my plans for today...
fix car tyre..
pay mobile bill...
look for 1 Gb Sony PSP memory stick...
how about lunch? > <" i haven't figured out what to eat.
i was thinking of japanese ( kumasan: NOT again....><"' )
erm.. how about the shop in Uptown called Wrice? > <" sounds kinky.... but.. i want something that can cost my mum!!! muahahahahah (evil laugh)
^^ i am a spoilt little girl...
i have reasons to cover that! i rarely spend time with her,
i rarely eat with her, and i try not to spend too much a time with her! ^^
so, am i a qualified candidate for a lunch that will cost her? ^^ *blink* Blink*
YERP! i so think SO! muaahaha (evil laugh)
she just rung me up,
saying that she will be late.
reason: stuck in traffic jam.
supposed to be meeting her after 12.00 pm..
now, her "promised " time is 1.30 pm.
i just got the feeling that she might just break it again. ^^
She FFKed me too many a times for the past few years.. so, i'm just gonna blog and spend some time with my Kingdom Hearts II ^^
what did you say? the english Version is not out yet?
i noe that.
i have also waited for the english version... but it is taking too long.
i have just gotten the Japanese version ^^ not too bad.... in fact, SO much BETTER than the english version!!!!
just a few Kanji that i can't remember. i've got Kumasan to translate the kanji for me ^^
other than that, not too bad.
Daniel just can't understand the game ^^" he told me about it two days back.
the part that he does not get it?
Goofy and Donald Duck, beating ppl up ><"
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
miao miao~ invasion.... ^^"

you guys won't believe how crazy my cats are....
when they want something, they will do whatateve they can to get it!
well.... what have i been up to? ^^"
i have no idea.. too many things happened...
what brought me to this page , right at this moment?
erm... blame the strong wind that brought dried leaves into my house and scatter papers through the whole house ^^"
i have something to write.
and i am writing in behalf of my wait on the blog that kumasan was supposed to put up about sai chow's happening gig" at Sze chern's place the other day ^^
i saw the video! the gig" was so cool!
gawd...wish you guys could have a look at it too....
the file? toooo BIG .... can't upload it. (kumasan said de...*blink*)
so,.... i am still waiting for THAT particular blog. yes, kumasan? ^^
Monday, February 06, 2006
Food Galore!

After seeking hi-n-lo for a simple yet marvellous dinner to spend our time on, we finally found this Viet restaurant situated on the same floor as GSC. Like any other Viet restaurants around, the offerings are pretty norm, except for a few specialties. For something of reasonable portion and value for money, don't complain! We opted for some of the 'unheard of' dishes during our first visit, which means there'll be more to come :) Can't wait to try their 3-layer coconut milk drink which ran out of stock :(

Here's what caught our attention at one of the stalls outside....Cute lil glittery stuffies haha...totally similar to what I am wearing on my right hand (thanks to Akiko's design :p)

Thanks to Spoon and his curious tongue, which landed us (Spoon, Bubu & gal and us) at Pasta Junction @ Aman Suria. The ambience is rather soothing to the eye, but unfortunately the food does not deserve a mention. Though they were given weird names, they still seemed to appear as common as the pastas we get in Jusco :|

Thursday, February 02, 2006
On the 4th Day of New Year...
Island Cafe, SS2
This place is so much similar to Hugz, Subang except that it's 3 times better. It allows patrons to choose between indoor air-conditioned section or outdoor with a 'jungly' feel. And also comes with 3 times the varieties offered at Hugz. If you get lucky with your food selections, you won't be complaining :p

So, boys & girls, stay tuned for more!