Wednesday, March 29, 2006
cinnamon roll~ ^^

i love cinnamon rolls!
but the only one that keeps me in awe are sold at the Shangri-la's cinnamon roll canister-like cafe.
it is linked with the lemon garden cafe where me and kumasan had Hi-Tea, about 2 weeks ago ^^
oh well,
i went window shopping again today.
kinda bored though... with the window shoppings.
even if my 'shopping -mood' is in tackfulness.....the stuff that's offered around here totally sux!
and the only places with free WiFi is starbucks. WTF! (oops... ><")
i'm just not on the good with the services provided here.
and i have just found out about this WiFi service called Airzed...
internet with payment. yup. only available at expensive chic cafes'
er..... not good..
big possibilities of paid WiFi coming here in just a 'too soon' period of time.
okay.. enough of complaining.'
actually, i have been pondering,,,
this month seemed kinda long....don't you think so?Hmm -_- ~`
I need to some warm, fragrant, home brewed tea....
Monday, March 27, 2006
Fiends of FFX ><"

i didn't manage to get all of them though... ><"
finally! i got them up in BloggGGrr
cute aren't they? ^^
tee hee...
today's class was all about passing up our past week's assignment ^^
well, i was such a goody girl that i had all of it done throughout the whole week, finally finishing the cut and pasting last night ^^

our intructor made me redo
two of my sewings before i summit the whole portfolio to her ^^"
oh well, it was a difficult sewing.
luckily i did not have to redo everythinG!!!
tomorrow, gonna attend another figure drawing class, under MR ernesto/angel !
yippie! but hope i don't wake up late! ><"
oh ya... there's a test as well ^^

Thursday, March 23, 2006
i haven't been posting for a while .
a few days actually^^
it's to be blamed on BlogSpot.-refuses to upload pictures.
i have not idea why it is acting this way.
today's topic,
try this site:
by definition:
jealousy |ˈjeləsē| noun ( pl. -ousies) the state or feeling of being jealous : a sharp pang of jealousy | resentments and jealousies festered. ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French gelosie, from gelos (see jealous ).
jealousy noun 1 he was consumed with jealousy envy, covetousness; resentment, resentfulness, bitterness, spite; informal the green-eyed monster. 2 the jealousy of his long-suffering wife suspicion, suspiciousness, distrust, mistrust, insecurity, anxiety; possessiveness, overprotectiveness.
too complicated to digest ei?
anyone who hasn't had this kinda pangs has reached full enlightenment ^^
so,for people like me,
i do have it. but rare.
i guess it is natural for a person to feel jealousy running through the humanly axons of the brain.
i've been pondering about this kind of feeling called jealousy.
is there a way to counter this?
taking in positive issues to counter it may be one way.
but does it actually work?
maybe a little too subjective.
or maybe.....just not knowing too much helps.
i don't know.
either way, it's just a way of running away from jealousy.
but it is rather a bad feeling. especially when you can't do anything to correct that feeling.
oh well, i'll just leave it at this for you guys to think about.
any comment or arguement on this is welcome on the comment button,
tee hee~

here are the pictures of my Barbie,
the dress = my creation.
yup. looks like a sack gown from the 18th century, minus the sleeves and shoulder.
kumasan said it looked very princess ^^
sara said it's cute.
me? i think it's a piece of my time.
well, i might as well be satisfied with what i have done ^^
at least the most of it is pink and lacey! ^^

here's aunty!
my fashion desgin instructor! ^^
OMG! aunt is superbly cool k!!!
she actually gossiped with us! ^^
about who? tee hee... that... is our fashion designer's world's top secret! ^^
just love aunty's style.
at first sight, it was quite absurd.
but once you see aunty in action, aunty style just flows.
i took some shots with her too ^^
just keeping it in my folders ^^ no intention to post it up.
why? because i am just another shy gal ( kumasan coughing his @$$ off)
HEY! i AM a SHY girl okay?!?!?!? ^^"
don't bellieve me? ask my niichan.
today, i am so glad i went to school.
i really enjoyed aunty's class.
Project 4,5 and 6.
those were the breifing that we got. hopefully... i won't get any obsticles in proceeding on the projects.
i'm currently having a 50% time for my project 2 to be done.
each project is 2 weeks due date.
so, one more week to go before Project 2 is due. ^^
i had just printed out a whole bunch of runway pics from school!
><" got paper cuts tho.... damn painful....
i think... it was more of a scratchy pain feeling. boo hoo......
then, that....prevented me from entering 竹村 日本りょうり
there wasn't any parking lots for me to park my car anyways.
ended up not having lunch before going home for a rest.
while driving, it suddenly accured to me that i should make a visit to the nearest 星Bucks.
so i went home, took half a slice of egg sandwich and a tiny bit of leftover rice,
sweep off my apple.
bought some fruits while on my way to 星Bucks.
here i am.... ^^
done my essay on my Barbie.
oh... i'll post the pics after i hand my Barbie in tomorrow morning.
PROMISE! ^^しんじて。。。
フアップチノ グレエんテエー をのむ。おいしいから。
あたしね。。スピーか をはいている、おいしい 音楽をききます。
><" carried away again...
er.....i think that's it for now.
it's super raining.. and i can't go back to my car... so, i'll just have to sit around summore and
stare at my watery green tea frapP.^^
today will be the day i try to complete my Barbie project!
got to do a bit of reserach on the clothing from the 15th c.
then, i'll move on to the pattern cutting block.
i'm on holiday today..
a lot of things are whipping through my head since yesterday evening..
caused me a few hours of sleeplessness...
and i did woke up in in the wee' morning...
wondering wether i should go back to sleep or just start my Barbie thing...
well, i went back to sleep ^^
woke up damn early today as well...
had my coffee...
and i have been downloading songs from KOKIA ^^
till now.
just felt like blogging...
plans for today?
nothing much i guess... just the project and the project and the project.
after that, i'll have to start on Aunty's project 2.
with maybe some cut-outs from the IKEA broucher.
i haven't seen the CentreFold area..
i have a bad feeling that this interior designing project is only for the school's purpose..
collecting free ideas from the poor ol' students.
good luck to me and my fellow classmates!

my Bell!!
i made it this morning before going to school...
ahhahaa just had a flash of idea...
this tote, my granny made it for me when i was still studying in SMDJ
^^ cute huh.
i haven't been posting for a while .
a few days actually^^
it's to be blamed on BlogSpot.-refuses to upload pictures.
i have not idea why it is acting this way.
today's topic,
try this site:
by definition:
jealousy |ˈjeləsē| noun ( pl. -ousies) the state or feeling of being jealous : a sharp pang of jealousy | resentments and jealousies festered. ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French gelosie, from gelos (see jealous ).
jealousy noun 1 he was consumed with jealousy envy, covetousness; resentment, resentfulness, bitterness, spite; informal the green-eyed monster. 2 the jealousy of his long-suffering wife suspicion, suspiciousness, distrust, mistrust, insecurity, anxiety; possessiveness, overprotectiveness.
too complicated to digest ei?
anyone who hasn't had this kinda pangs has reached full enlightenment ^^
so,for people like me,
i do have it. but rare.
i guess it is natural for a person to feel jealousy running through the humanly axons of the brain.
i've been pondering about this kind of feeling called jealousy.
is there a way to counter this?
taking in positive issues to counter it may be one way.
but does it actually work?
maybe a little too subjective.
or maybe.....just not knowing too much helps.
i don't know.
either way, it's just a way of running away from jealousy.
but it is rather a bad feeling. especially when you can't do anything to correct that feeling.
oh well, i'll just leave it at this for you guys to think about.
any comment or arguement on this is welcome on the comment button,
tee hee~
Not a Jealous Bone in Your Body |
![]() You're secure, trusting, and giving with friends and lovers And while you may have been hurt before, you've bounced back You're generally happy with your life - and no one's grass is greener than yours One word of caution: some may see your lack of jealousy as indifference! |
Friday, March 17, 2006

here are the pictures of my Barbie,
the dress = my creation.
yup. looks like a sack gown from the 18th century, minus the sleeves and shoulder.
kumasan said it looked very princess ^^
sara said it's cute.
me? i think it's a piece of my time.
well, i might as well be satisfied with what i have done ^^
at least the most of it is pink and lacey! ^^
Thursday, March 16, 2006
i'm in the Stars and the Moons ^^"

here's aunty!
my fashion desgin instructor! ^^
OMG! aunt is superbly cool k!!!
she actually gossiped with us! ^^
about who? tee hee... that... is our fashion designer's world's top secret! ^^
just love aunty's style.
at first sight, it was quite absurd.
but once you see aunty in action, aunty style just flows.
i took some shots with her too ^^
just keeping it in my folders ^^ no intention to post it up.
why? because i am just another shy gal ( kumasan coughing his @$$ off)
HEY! i AM a SHY girl okay?!?!?!? ^^"
don't bellieve me? ask my niichan.
today, i am so glad i went to school.
i really enjoyed aunty's class.
Project 4,5 and 6.
those were the breifing that we got. hopefully... i won't get any obsticles in proceeding on the projects.
i'm currently having a 50% time for my project 2 to be done.
each project is 2 weeks due date.
so, one more week to go before Project 2 is due. ^^
i had just printed out a whole bunch of runway pics from school!
><" got paper cuts tho.... damn painful....
i think... it was more of a scratchy pain feeling. boo hoo......
then, that....prevented me from entering 竹村 日本りょうり
there wasn't any parking lots for me to park my car anyways.
ended up not having lunch before going home for a rest.
while driving, it suddenly accured to me that i should make a visit to the nearest 星Bucks.
so i went home, took half a slice of egg sandwich and a tiny bit of leftover rice,
sweep off my apple.
bought some fruits while on my way to 星Bucks.
here i am.... ^^
done my essay on my Barbie.
oh... i'll post the pics after i hand my Barbie in tomorrow morning.
PROMISE! ^^しんじて。。。
フアップチノ グレエんテエー をのむ。おいしいから。
あたしね。。スピーか をはいている、おいしい 音楽をききます。
><" carried away again...
er.....i think that's it for now.
it's super raining.. and i can't go back to my car... so, i'll just have to sit around summore and
stare at my watery green tea frapP.^^
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
today will be the day i try to complete my Barbie project!
got to do a bit of reserach on the clothing from the 15th c.
then, i'll move on to the pattern cutting block.
i'm on holiday today..
a lot of things are whipping through my head since yesterday evening..
caused me a few hours of sleeplessness...
and i did woke up in in the wee' morning...
wondering wether i should go back to sleep or just start my Barbie thing...
well, i went back to sleep ^^
woke up damn early today as well...
had my coffee...
and i have been downloading songs from KOKIA ^^
till now.
just felt like blogging...
plans for today?
nothing much i guess... just the project and the project and the project.
after that, i'll have to start on Aunty's project 2.
with maybe some cut-outs from the IKEA broucher.
i haven't seen the CentreFold area..
i have a bad feeling that this interior designing project is only for the school's purpose..
collecting free ideas from the poor ol' students.
good luck to me and my fellow classmates!


Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Everybody! it's time to party!
got all of you guys thinking of partying didn't i ^^
well, party?
not too soon.
you see, we (me+fellow classmates) are
so much into our homework.
even the lazy ones are forced into such draining forces such as the HOMEWORK... ^^"
it's not that bad ...
.if you see it from the outside.
but in the insides... it's hell and horror!
it's such a pain in the ass to make lil' tiny clothes for the lil' tiny wasted Barbie ... ><"
supposed to be easy...
that was what I thought it to be!!!
a sewing machine would of course speed up my pace ^^"
i'll be able to get on tomorrow...
hopefully i will have the inspiration to make my creation tomorrow.
for now,
i would like to say and tell the whole world that:
これ は 大丈夫よ。
でも、食べ物 は ぜんぶ おなじだけです!
とても つまらなかったん!
sorry... got carried away.
let's just change subject,
kindly ignore those that is impossible to understand.
well, today....
we had a ghost talk in class.
Sara was telling me,Lin, Moonie,Goldwin
that she somewhat saw some black thing floating out and back in the cubicle of the loo'
beside Design 6 class...
the block that was where we had our Life Drawing classes at,
last semester.
well, Lucy thought she felt some weird aura when she went in before Sara did. floating human form thingy?
sounds like bad news to me.
why is it always in TOILETS? ><"
Cheese Baked Rice.
anyone? ^^"
i don't know.....
it's just too big a serving for me to enjoy.
no vege kills me.
i just thought of that just now.
so, no cheese baked rice for me.
ahahaha just a random thought.
i just had it during the weekend at the Lala Land" restaurant.
only took a tiny bit and i've had my tummy full of dinner fullness.
kumasan ate the whole lot.
kumasan almost ordered Nissin noodles.
well, if he did,
i think he won;'t be able to make it for the cheese baked rice.
got all of you guys thinking of partying didn't i ^^
well, party?
not too soon.
you see, we (me+fellow classmates) are
so much into our homework.
even the lazy ones are forced into such draining forces such as the HOMEWORK... ^^"
it's not that bad ...
.if you see it from the outside.
but in the insides... it's hell and horror!
it's such a pain in the ass to make lil' tiny clothes for the lil' tiny wasted Barbie ... ><"
supposed to be easy...
that was what I thought it to be!!!
a sewing machine would of course speed up my pace ^^"
i'll be able to get on tomorrow...
hopefully i will have the inspiration to make my creation tomorrow.
for now,
i would like to say and tell the whole world that:

これ は 大丈夫よ。
でも、食べ物 は ぜんぶ おなじだけです!
とても つまらなかったん!
sorry... got carried away.
let's just change subject,
kindly ignore those that is impossible to understand.
well, today....
we had a ghost talk in class.
Sara was telling me,Lin, Moonie,Goldwin
that she somewhat saw some black thing floating out and back in the cubicle of the loo'
beside Design 6 class...
the block that was where we had our Life Drawing classes at,
last semester.
well, Lucy thought she felt some weird aura when she went in before Sara did. floating human form thingy?
sounds like bad news to me.
why is it always in TOILETS? ><"
Cheese Baked Rice.
anyone? ^^"
i don't know.....
it's just too big a serving for me to enjoy.
no vege kills me.
i just thought of that just now.
so, no cheese baked rice for me.
ahahaha just a random thought.
i just had it during the weekend at the Lala Land" restaurant.
only took a tiny bit and i've had my tummy full of dinner fullness.
kumasan ate the whole lot.
kumasan almost ordered Nissin noodles.
well, if he did,
i think he won;'t be able to make it for the cheese baked rice.
Vintage silk Ribbon

my Bell!!
i made it this morning before going to school...
ahhahaa just had a flash of idea...
this tote, my granny made it for me when i was still studying in SMDJ
^^ cute huh.
Friday, March 10, 2006
oh my gawd... my assignment on my barbie is due next week!
have to submit in my research about the choice of garment that i am supposed to create from scraps of textile...
victorian is nice...
i've always wanted victorian...
okay... our syllibles had only covered till the english medieval and french times.....
mmm victorian.... i have to do somemmore research about it ...
no worries! i love garment HISTORY!
boroowed a book " 20,000 years of Garment" or something like that ^^
tee hee..
can't wait till my class is over.
hope it ends super early.
got too many things to think about,
1. metric pattern cutting.... size 10 and size 12.
for that, i have to get another 2 pieces of box board.
2. fashion design.... blouses, skirts, openings and pockets. that's my second project.
this time, have to do it in a more creative way... make it thick or something.
3. nothing on figure drawing though....the instructor is a nice dude ^^ mister ernesto/ angel.
4. fashion history... barbie.
sketched out the design. need to get ther fabric, and loads of big big laces. ^^
maybe some wire too. GLUE? ya... need that. a strong fabric glue.
5. photography.....that's to come up later. just need to show off our digicam at around 2++pm later.
oh.. and another thing,,.... school's WiFi really sux.
have to submit in my research about the choice of garment that i am supposed to create from scraps of textile...
victorian is nice...

i've always wanted victorian...
okay... our syllibles had only covered till the english medieval and french times.....
mmm victorian.... i have to do somemmore research about it ...
no worries! i love garment HISTORY!
boroowed a book " 20,000 years of Garment" or something like that ^^
tee hee..
can't wait till my class is over.
hope it ends super early.
got too many things to think about,
1. metric pattern cutting.... size 10 and size 12.
for that, i have to get another 2 pieces of box board.
2. fashion design.... blouses, skirts, openings and pockets. that's my second project.
this time, have to do it in a more creative way... make it thick or something.
3. nothing on figure drawing though....the instructor is a nice dude ^^ mister ernesto/ angel.
4. fashion history... barbie.
sketched out the design. need to get ther fabric, and loads of big big laces. ^^
maybe some wire too. GLUE? ya... need that. a strong fabric glue.
5. photography.....that's to come up later. just need to show off our digicam at around 2++pm later.
oh.. and another thing,,.... school's WiFi really sux.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Massive Picture Feeding
These pictures were taken a long long time ago...I didn't have the time to post em until now :(
This was taken at Sugimoto Japanese Restaurant. They offer lunch bento sets that are extremely affordable and comes with up to 30 side dish choices. Check them out in Sri Hartamas and Bangsar.

This is a cute lil' toy that darling bought me for V-day. OMG how lovely!!! Me love it baby!! Ten million kisses to you :)

An I-DOG!!!

Wrice, located in Damansara Uptown is the newly open restaurant which caught our eye. Darling tried it the first time, and told me how good the food was. So, here we are!
They serve various kinds of herb rice which you can't get em' anywhere, none other than here itself!

And are the pictures of a 'house brawl cum strip search' which occured in an undisclosed house in SS2. The videos are too huge to be uploaded tho :S

This was taken at Sugimoto Japanese Restaurant. They offer lunch bento sets that are extremely affordable and comes with up to 30 side dish choices. Check them out in Sri Hartamas and Bangsar.

This is a cute lil' toy that darling bought me for V-day. OMG how lovely!!! Me love it baby!! Ten million kisses to you :)

An I-DOG!!!

Wrice, located in Damansara Uptown is the newly open restaurant which caught our eye. Darling tried it the first time, and told me how good the food was. So, here we are!
They serve various kinds of herb rice which you can't get em' anywhere, none other than here itself!

And are the pictures of a 'house brawl cum strip search' which occured in an undisclosed house in SS2. The videos are too huge to be uploaded tho :S

18 minutes to class!
it's just a quick jot!
i have nothing better to do and feeling quite the opposite of alert^^"
just gotten back from my lunchbreak.
i ate a pathetic bun with cream in it and drank cincau...something which is black and jelly like lookingsquares in a drink.
just can't wait for class to be over!
after that, i'll be back home!
sleep deprived and so totally bored, i thik i'll just lie around and read a book until evening comes.
THAT! is the time that i will have some time with kumasan!
miss him so much'!
let's see,
the summary of my homework, due next week is..
Pattern Drafting on Vox board,
Clothes design for Barbie,
Digi Cam for friday's class,
Fashion Design, portfolio to hand in,
..... i think that's about all there is this week..
fashion design had a projected homework due like, another 2 weeks time.
that,.. also a lot of reserches to do.
maybe have to slave in the PC lab to print some pictures too...
haih~~~ hate it when i don't have internet available at my residential.
boring... boring....
Lin just called me...
><" they are still eating at the cafe...
CLASS is ABOUT to START!!! right?...
oh well, must be because of the lamest subject that we have to take in the world that , happened to be our next class......
ok i take back that statement...
Moral studies and Malaysian studies is to be votd as the LAMEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to the MAX!
pity those international students as well,
forced to take up these type of subjects ^^
i had figure drawing in the morning... nothing much actually..
teacher in the class....
laterz guys!
i have nothing better to do and feeling quite the opposite of alert^^"
just gotten back from my lunchbreak.
i ate a pathetic bun with cream in it and drank cincau...something which is black and jelly like lookingsquares in a drink.
just can't wait for class to be over!
after that, i'll be back home!
sleep deprived and so totally bored, i thik i'll just lie around and read a book until evening comes.
THAT! is the time that i will have some time with kumasan!
miss him so much'!
let's see,
the summary of my homework, due next week is..
Pattern Drafting on Vox board,
Clothes design for Barbie,
Digi Cam for friday's class,
Fashion Design, portfolio to hand in,
..... i think that's about all there is this week..
fashion design had a projected homework due like, another 2 weeks time.
that,.. also a lot of reserches to do.
maybe have to slave in the PC lab to print some pictures too...
haih~~~ hate it when i don't have internet available at my residential.
boring... boring....
Lin just called me...
><" they are still eating at the cafe...
CLASS is ABOUT to START!!! right?...
oh well, must be because of the lamest subject that we have to take in the world that , happened to be our next class......
ok i take back that statement...
Moral studies and Malaysian studies is to be votd as the LAMEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to the MAX!
pity those international students as well,
forced to take up these type of subjects ^^
i had figure drawing in the morning... nothing much actually..
teacher in the class....
laterz guys!
Friday, March 03, 2006
of nothing in particular
i'm having an apple at this wee hour.
couldn't sleep any longer than everyone else,everywhere...
you see, i've got this really bad tummy cramp.
just 3 days ago, kumasan brought me to the pharmacy in search of this medication to help me ease the cramp.
we went to 2 pharmacies and both, ( 蟻えないつの。。。) both pharmacist had ended their duties for the day.
bad luck.
that's why i am suffering here... ><"
i just wish that i could get a really really hot mocha at anytime, anywhere.
that...would really do so much goodness for my tummy.

couldn't sleep any longer than everyone else,everywhere...
you see, i've got this really bad tummy cramp.
just 3 days ago, kumasan brought me to the pharmacy in search of this medication to help me ease the cramp.
we went to 2 pharmacies and both, ( 蟻えないつの。。。) both pharmacist had ended their duties for the day.
bad luck.
that's why i am suffering here... ><"
i just wish that i could get a really really hot mocha at anytime, anywhere.
that...would really do so much goodness for my tummy.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
おめでとう ございます!
for all of our blog readers, i would like to inform you guys that
is my oniichan's birthday!!!
おめでとう ございます!
おたんじょび は。。。 another dimension,
school.....had been making me kinda busy,
for the first week, we had already given 2 assignments ><><" i didn't know which to choose! so, it took up some of my time!><" i went comparing and comparing... since i really adored the apple, i too, really prefer to carry something lighter!>< ...> fujitsu
oh well, i guess i'll just have to wait for a slimmer and lighter apple notebook to appear.
for now, the apple caught me wanting it.
my father had been thinking about hooking up a wiFi at home.
wireless ROUTERS:
lowest price, RM160, no idea what brand it is on....
best unit, RM250.
anyone of you know the market for WiFi routers?
is my oniichan's birthday!!!
おめでとう ございます!
おたんじょび は。。。 another dimension,
school.....had been making me kinda busy,
for the first week, we had already given 2 assignments ><><" i didn't know which to choose! so, it took up some of my time!><" i went comparing and comparing... since i really adored the apple, i too, really prefer to carry something lighter!>< ...> fujitsu
that's the whole problem with you, when it comes to this kind of matter^^".You can't always get everything ,you know...that, was from kumasan ^^"
oh well, i guess i'll just have to wait for a slimmer and lighter apple notebook to appear.
for now, the apple caught me wanting it.
my father had been thinking about hooking up a wiFi at home.
wireless ROUTERS:
lowest price, RM160, no idea what brand it is on....
best unit, RM250.
anyone of you know the market for WiFi routers?