Thursday, March 16, 2006
i'm in the Stars and the Moons ^^"

here's aunty!
my fashion desgin instructor! ^^
OMG! aunt is superbly cool k!!!
she actually gossiped with us! ^^
about who? tee hee... that... is our fashion designer's world's top secret! ^^
just love aunty's style.
at first sight, it was quite absurd.
but once you see aunty in action, aunty style just flows.
i took some shots with her too ^^
just keeping it in my folders ^^ no intention to post it up.
why? because i am just another shy gal ( kumasan coughing his @$$ off)
HEY! i AM a SHY girl okay?!?!?!? ^^"
don't bellieve me? ask my niichan.
today, i am so glad i went to school.
i really enjoyed aunty's class.
Project 4,5 and 6.
those were the breifing that we got. hopefully... i won't get any obsticles in proceeding on the projects.
i'm currently having a 50% time for my project 2 to be done.
each project is 2 weeks due date.
so, one more week to go before Project 2 is due. ^^
i had just printed out a whole bunch of runway pics from school!
><" got paper cuts tho.... damn painful....
i think... it was more of a scratchy pain feeling. boo hoo......
then, that....prevented me from entering 竹村 日本りょうり
there wasn't any parking lots for me to park my car anyways.
ended up not having lunch before going home for a rest.
while driving, it suddenly accured to me that i should make a visit to the nearest 星Bucks.
so i went home, took half a slice of egg sandwich and a tiny bit of leftover rice,
sweep off my apple.
bought some fruits while on my way to 星Bucks.
here i am.... ^^
done my essay on my Barbie.
oh... i'll post the pics after i hand my Barbie in tomorrow morning.
PROMISE! ^^しんじて。。。
フアップチノ グレエんテエー をのむ。おいしいから。
あたしね。。スピーか をはいている、おいしい 音楽をききます。
><" carried away again...
er.....i think that's it for now.
it's super raining.. and i can't go back to my car... so, i'll just have to sit around summore and
stare at my watery green tea frapP.^^