Monday, September 25, 2006
- Gummi- coke
- Kim Gary & Wong Kok char chan teng
- SeaPark nasi lemak
- YongLin Curry Laksa
- Little Penang Cafe
- Kueh Tiaw
- Ice Kacang
- Kung Fu chow
- McDonald's
- The Malacca Straits
- BaKuTeh
- Bao Bao
- Caramel Cream Cheesecake
- Pasta
- Sugimoto
- Kjeldsens Danish Butter Cookies.
- Manhattan's Fish Market
- Kampachi Buffet
- Sushi
loving him with my heart

Sunday, September 24, 2006
thank you Ai Ai.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
just a thought
and came upon 2 snipets that i thought, was worthy of sharing with my dear readers.
this first one was a love made by
><" EWWWW a cockroach ran over my left feet when i was downstairs collecting clothes
from the dry hanger
anyways.. as i was saying, this story is as told by a reader

you be the judge.
The second one is only part and parcel of the whole page.
><" i thought these 2 were funny.

with my heart

Friday, September 22, 2006
i bought this panda cookie the other day, thinking that it was cute!
so, at the same time, i thought that it might taste just as nice as it looks. ^^
so, i happily carried one plasticbag with one pack of goody panda cookie

when i discovered...
the real panda in it actually looks kinda scaryly fierce,

*drops onto the floor, mouth bubling with froth*
pencil & PEN!
movers! = new neighBours...
this morning,i saw this"
some orange thingy blocking my morning view outside my window!
so i checked.
and took a closer look at things and....
it says:" ALLIED PICKFORDS the careful movers."
powered by NissanDiesel
at the top of the driver's bunk.
not bad looking creature ,i thought. maybe i could get one myself and
ram down all the annoying motorcyclist on the road! ><"
Blogged with Flock
Thursday, September 21, 2006
coming up!
have not been bloging because i was a lazy bum for the whole time!
i was busy with school,
and the ultimate! CRYING off my @$
i miss you sooo much Kumasan!~!!!!!!
ok...ok.... must~try~to~collect~my~self~together~again~...
erm, let's see..
i have history class tomorrow... she's gonna brief us on the upcoming History test on the 29th of the 9th

saturday will be learning new stuff! yay!
Flat Drawing for my street wear ^^
hopefully it won't be a boring class...
i am currently on 2 projects.
Pantz and Hatching. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
next week's work will hopefully be MoodBoard for Fashion Design ~discussion
new stuff for Illustration class...
erm....finish up Pantz...
and friday is TEST!
i'm really really hoping that i can get this BOOK of mine tomorrow!
i have been searching up and down for it. i will kill for the book . it's THAT bad. ^^
it costs a bomb too ^^"
but i really really need it.
another 2 books to enticipate. not so soon though...
i have checked
MPH,Times,Kinokuniya's Page One,Popular,Borders,Isetan,PAylessBooks.
the only shop that carries half of what i want is Basheer.
the owner is a very very nice dude ^^
this week, i met a new friend!
kumasan's colleague! ^^
her name is MeiYen!
i have seen her before, thought she was a cutie ^^ Yay!
another cutie friend.
but the other time when kumasan said hi" to her, i was i went away while he chatted with her ^^"
i signed into kumasan's MSN account the other day and 2 girls messaged him right away.
the usuals were "hi, how are you" kind of messages.
one of them was Mei Yen. the other one...errrm..
Calista! yes, calista
Meiyen chatted with me! ^^ ekkekee that was how we became friend.
calista just dropped the line after she introduced herself as kumasan's colleague ^^
^o^ shy like me?
or just plain busy a.....
dunno. *green with envy*
i went and banged kumasan after that.
" whoaa... 2 girls immediately messaged you when didn't know that iwas behind your Msn account"
" i am so filled with jealousy! i don't even get message bombing from guys in my msn list and you just did!"
haha... those 2 lines were all a "made-up"
><" anyone who knows me personally knows that i do not online often ^^ ahahaha
ohkayy... oh kayy..
just trying to me a drama!
Missed Desperate Housewives ! >< neeed to get the whole Season's episodes!
ANIME too!!
who's got スクールランブル(School Rumble)! ><

Friday, September 15, 2006
the monkey puzzle game!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
colourful beans on her birthday!
so colourful and tasty!
it's got yellow,peach, orange, green, blood red and ruby red and brown!
okay.. okay.. i know... the colours are not really THAT obvious in this pic ><
sorry okay.!! " P
this is the best mixed bean sweet beverage you can ever taste.
wholely home made by aunty ahyoke! (kumasan's aunt)
i love it~
and it looks nice.. all colourful and cute.
the raw ones....erm.. didn;t manage to take pictures of them. cos' aunt cooked up the whole batch of beans left in stock.
i'll try to get the pic uploaded when i take them in the near future. ^^
anyways... today's post includes this as well :
a shoutout to STEPHY! my cous'!!
here's her pic ^^
Saturday, September 09, 2006
2nD Saturday~
went out for lunch with Yokie HAr! ^^
so happie ...went SuGiMoto, Hartamas.
and then ended up at a bakery shop. the cakes were so nice....
the Buns....they looked yummy. ^^
so, i bought some and ate them for Tea, Dinner and Breakie :P
only took a shot at one of the buns cos' the others.....did not look that nice.

i was kinda disappointed when i ate one for tea...>< style="font-style: italic;" face="lucida grande" size="3">Sayuuki" ^^
funny nihonDorama
and then, i did a rearrangement of kumasan's room.
well, just a little... dragged the bookshelf from beside the bed to the space underneath the blue IKEA Racks.
and moved some books and files and CDs and paperbags around..
and voilà!

i found kumasan's Year book ^^
and then kumasan called! ^^ right at the spot!
kekeke muat be some phsychic powers.....~~
cute~ Kumasan ^^~

he looks so PURE! ><"
found the other pics of:
- Sze Chern- looks about the same. he lost a lot of weight compared to those days. <the mastermind to the layout of the Class Page>

- Kok Hoe- so skinny!!!><

- Chet Terng- OMG!! skinnyyyyy

- Kok Beng- erm... sorry didn't get to noe him that well.. but i guess he still look the same : )

- KEan Wei- .... dun need to commment too much. "DREADFULLY Skinny"

NOt anymore.
Kean Wei, he is an exception to 2 statement above this line. ^^
he never did look innocent and not at the current too..
that's it!
and the day for me just ended.
kumasan is having a "ball" in ISlamAbad.. ^^~
dun be so down love,
things are not that bad there...Really ^^ you told me so.
me all the way with kumasan de.
muax to kumasan.
miss you.