Thursday, September 21, 2006
coming up!
have not been bloging because i was a lazy bum for the whole time!
i was busy with school,
and the ultimate! CRYING off my @$
i miss you sooo much Kumasan!~!!!!!!
ok...ok.... must~try~to~collect~my~self~together~again~...
erm, let's see..
i have history class tomorrow... she's gonna brief us on the upcoming History test on the 29th of the 9th
month of the Doggy year ><
saturday will be learning new stuff! yay!
Flat Drawing for my street wear ^^
hopefully it won't be a boring class...
i am currently on 2 projects.
Pantz and Hatching. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
next week's work will hopefully be MoodBoard for Fashion Design ~discussion
new stuff for Illustration class...
erm....finish up Pantz...
and friday is TEST!
i'm really really hoping that i can get this BOOK of mine tomorrow!
i have been searching up and down for it. i will kill for the book . it's THAT bad. ^^
it costs a bomb too ^^"
but i really really need it.
another 2 books to enticipate. not so soon though...
i have checked
MPH,Times,Kinokuniya's Page One,Popular,Borders,Isetan,PAylessBooks.
the only shop that carries half of what i want is Basheer.
the owner is a very very nice dude ^^
this week, i met a new friend!
kumasan's colleague! ^^
her name is MeiYen!
i have seen her before, thought she was a cutie ^^ Yay!
another cutie friend.
but the other time when kumasan said hi" to her, i was i went away while he chatted with her ^^"
i signed into kumasan's MSN account the other day and 2 girls messaged him right away.
the usuals were "hi, how are you" kind of messages.
one of them was Mei Yen. the other one...errrm..
Calista! yes, calista
Meiyen chatted with me! ^^ ekkekee that was how we became friend.
calista just dropped the line after she introduced herself as kumasan's colleague ^^
^o^ shy like me?
or just plain busy a.....
dunno. *green with envy*
i went and banged kumasan after that.
" whoaa... 2 girls immediately messaged you when didn't know that iwas behind your Msn account"
" i am so filled with jealousy! i don't even get message bombing from guys in my msn list and you just did!"
haha... those 2 lines were all a "made-up"
><" anyone who knows me personally knows that i do not online often ^^ ahahaha
ohkayy... oh kayy..
just trying to me a drama!
Missed Desperate Housewives ! >< neeed to get the whole Season's episodes!
ANIME too!!
who's got スクールランブル(School Rumble)! ><
have not been bloging because i was a lazy bum for the whole time!
i was busy with school,
and the ultimate! CRYING off my @$
i miss you sooo much Kumasan!~!!!!!!
ok...ok.... must~try~to~collect~my~self~together~again~...
erm, let's see..
i have history class tomorrow... she's gonna brief us on the upcoming History test on the 29th of the 9th

saturday will be learning new stuff! yay!
Flat Drawing for my street wear ^^
hopefully it won't be a boring class...
i am currently on 2 projects.
Pantz and Hatching. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
next week's work will hopefully be MoodBoard for Fashion Design ~discussion
new stuff for Illustration class...
erm....finish up Pantz...
and friday is TEST!
i'm really really hoping that i can get this BOOK of mine tomorrow!
i have been searching up and down for it. i will kill for the book . it's THAT bad. ^^
it costs a bomb too ^^"
but i really really need it.
another 2 books to enticipate. not so soon though...
i have checked
MPH,Times,Kinokuniya's Page One,Popular,Borders,Isetan,PAylessBooks.
the only shop that carries half of what i want is Basheer.
the owner is a very very nice dude ^^
this week, i met a new friend!
kumasan's colleague! ^^
her name is MeiYen!
i have seen her before, thought she was a cutie ^^ Yay!
another cutie friend.
but the other time when kumasan said hi" to her, i was i went away while he chatted with her ^^"
i signed into kumasan's MSN account the other day and 2 girls messaged him right away.
the usuals were "hi, how are you" kind of messages.
one of them was Mei Yen. the other one...errrm..
Calista! yes, calista
Meiyen chatted with me! ^^ ekkekee that was how we became friend.
calista just dropped the line after she introduced herself as kumasan's colleague ^^
^o^ shy like me?
or just plain busy a.....
dunno. *green with envy*
i went and banged kumasan after that.
" whoaa... 2 girls immediately messaged you when didn't know that iwas behind your Msn account"
" i am so filled with jealousy! i don't even get message bombing from guys in my msn list and you just did!"
haha... those 2 lines were all a "made-up"
><" anyone who knows me personally knows that i do not online often ^^ ahahaha
ohkayy... oh kayy..
just trying to me a drama!
Missed Desperate Housewives ! >< neeed to get the whole Season's episodes!
ANIME too!!
who's got スクールランブル(School Rumble)! ><