Friday, September 22, 2006
i bought this panda cookie the other day, thinking that it was cute!
so, at the same time, i thought that it might taste just as nice as it looks. ^^
so, i happily carried one plasticbag with one pack of goody panda cookie

when i discovered...
the real panda in it actually looks kinda scaryly fierce,

*drops onto the floor, mouth bubling with froth*
i bought this panda cookie the other day, thinking that it was cute!
so, at the same time, i thought that it might taste just as nice as it looks. ^^
so, i happily carried one plasticbag with one pack of goody panda cookie

when i discovered...
the real panda in it actually looks kinda scaryly fierce,

*drops onto the floor, mouth bubling with froth*