Sunday, May 28, 2006
ScreaminG BananaS
Glad to hear you guys still frequent our blog :) Hence given me the motivation to be a little more 'active' teehee...
We started the day early, this morning, at Tesco. All made possible by usagi's sweet wake-up call. Breakfast was half-boiled eggs, toast breads (kaya+butter) and hot milk tea at Old Kopitiam. Thinking that since we arrived before the mall's gates were open, we would have the entire Tesco to our own but alas, we were sooo wrong...Flocks of people marched towards Tesco :S
Once again, my curiousity brought us to the new opening of Cinneleisure's Cathay Cinema (located next to the Curve). Free tickets were given away, too bad we had zero clue on the redemption procedures so we just popped in and... out rightaway.
Long ago (about 3 months), I told usagi about this cafe which serves affordable yet tasty asian and western cuisine, which goes by the name "Screaming Bananas" (they even promote their banana interesting). It's located in Phileo Damansara II, at an area which doesn't expose to sunlight in the afternoon. Sadly, set meals aren't offered on weekends, so we had to go ala-carte style. Here are some pictures taken off the cafe, pretty cosy, makes me wanna fall sleep.... They have this very posh setting upstairs which totally lets you dine the executive way (not open on weekends! GGRRR >.<)
We had Curry Chicken Rice (7.30) and Nasi Lemak Chicken (8.90). Don't they look similar?
They even have this cute lil device that alerts the waiters for water refills, bill request convenient ey?

As I am typing this, I'm recalling everything usagi has done for me, including keeping this blog alive. Thanks for being there for me all the time, love. Can't wait for tomorrow to come, gonna have our morning breakfast, noon movie matinee - X-Men: The Last Stand, and maybe a visit to Rush for the fashion show cum competition? :D
Disclaimer: Read beyond this line if you want to be disgusted.
I love my darling sooooo much!! Happy belated Anniversary! Muaks~~~ kekeke :D
We started the day early, this morning, at Tesco. All made possible by usagi's sweet wake-up call. Breakfast was half-boiled eggs, toast breads (kaya+butter) and hot milk tea at Old Kopitiam. Thinking that since we arrived before the mall's gates were open, we would have the entire Tesco to our own but alas, we were sooo wrong...Flocks of people marched towards Tesco :S
Once again, my curiousity brought us to the new opening of Cinneleisure's Cathay Cinema (located next to the Curve). Free tickets were given away, too bad we had zero clue on the redemption procedures so we just popped in and... out rightaway.
Long ago (about 3 months), I told usagi about this cafe which serves affordable yet tasty asian and western cuisine, which goes by the name "Screaming Bananas" (they even promote their banana interesting). It's located in Phileo Damansara II, at an area which doesn't expose to sunlight in the afternoon. Sadly, set meals aren't offered on weekends, so we had to go ala-carte style. Here are some pictures taken off the cafe, pretty cosy, makes me wanna fall sleep.... They have this very posh setting upstairs which totally lets you dine the executive way (not open on weekends! GGRRR >.<)
We had Curry Chicken Rice (7.30) and Nasi Lemak Chicken (8.90). Don't they look similar?
They even have this cute lil device that alerts the waiters for water refills, bill request convenient ey?

As I am typing this, I'm recalling everything usagi has done for me, including keeping this blog alive. Thanks for being there for me all the time, love. Can't wait for tomorrow to come, gonna have our morning breakfast, noon movie matinee - X-Men: The Last Stand, and maybe a visit to Rush for the fashion show cum competition? :D
Disclaimer: Read beyond this line if you want to be disgusted.
I love my darling sooooo much!! Happy belated Anniversary! Muaks~~~ kekeke :D
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Forever 21? I wish!
Forever 21 just made an entrance by officially opening one store of it's kind in One Utama.
nothing much. prices are okay and everything looks a lot like what you can get in australia.
another week has gone by.
and tomorrow, kumasan wants a date at Screaming Bananas.
it's a cafe sorta' restaurant i think.... ^^"
i'll try to get some photos of the stuff they serve.
always successfully make you guys drool yah? those pics.
tee hee... it's a good thing! ^^
makes your senses sharp.
well, i need to bring my SLR camera for some shoots too..
slow and fast shutter speed for moving objects,
pictures of children, doing their stuff in the little world of theirs...,
and... landscape pics.
Got to find a model for my potrait shots too.
mmm Kumasan is kinda perfect ^^
arrgh , i've got so many things to be done.
and my cramps are killing me!
i have to find fabric samples, colour charts and some other appendices for my
Malaysian Fashion Forecast 2008.
Soo is coming back soon...
Gek too rite? ^^
Lynn ? coming back?????!!! awwww i missed you guys so much.
my cous, Stephy....i think she can only make it at the end of the 21st birthday is on september...but she can't make it back. : (
oh well... my cramp is killing me now...
Forever 21 just made an entrance by officially opening one store of it's kind in One Utama.
nothing much. prices are okay and everything looks a lot like what you can get in australia.
another week has gone by.
and tomorrow, kumasan wants a date at Screaming Bananas.
it's a cafe sorta' restaurant i think.... ^^"
i'll try to get some photos of the stuff they serve.
always successfully make you guys drool yah? those pics.
tee hee... it's a good thing! ^^
makes your senses sharp.
well, i need to bring my SLR camera for some shoots too..
slow and fast shutter speed for moving objects,
pictures of children, doing their stuff in the little world of theirs...,
and... landscape pics.
Got to find a model for my potrait shots too.
mmm Kumasan is kinda perfect ^^
arrgh , i've got so many things to be done.
and my cramps are killing me!
i have to find fabric samples, colour charts and some other appendices for my
Malaysian Fashion Forecast 2008.
Soo is coming back soon...
Gek too rite? ^^
Lynn ? coming back?????!!! awwww i missed you guys so much.
my cous, Stephy....i think she can only make it at the end of the 21st birthday is on september...but she can't make it back. : (
oh well... my cramp is killing me now...
Sunday, May 21, 2006
お斜視ぶり だね。。。
o O o O o
it's been so long since i have blogged....
^^" was actually wondering if there is anyone who still reads this blog
at all...
well, last week was just kumasan's day.
erm....we went to TGI's for dinner.
Birthday boy's treat ^^
nice food. where is the pic you ask?
erm.... you'll have to ask that 怠け者 くまさん (lazy bear)
today, we went to bakerzin, Bangsar Village.
had strawberry shortcake.

the Hot choco was okay.... prefered the one in my school.

oh, guess what!
i have accidentaly found the pics from kumasan's birthday!

erm... not exactly.....kumasan's aunt got a piece out of the slice as well though...
My mum wished kumasan a happy belated birthday today
and wanted to treat kumasan to the famous Sg. Buloh's BAKUTEH....^^"
well, the plan didn't work out cos' my pap took all the time to show kumasan his recent japan- trip photos... ><"
tee hee... nevermind.
i really enjoyed myself today....,
even though everything ended in the evening in just a blink of an eye..
love you kumasan...
Monday, May 08, 2006

fever day fever day...
i haven't been chatting wiith my bro in melbourne....
weekends are always this short and tiring...
and mondays sux.";;;\/;;;"
i have one more month to go before the school holidays start.
then, i think i'[ll just continue on my advanced jap class...
finish the whole things and move on to french
but the proficiency test will be held at the end of the year... i wonder what will i expect from that..
just wanna get till level 2 proficiency.
kumasan's birthday is coming up this

i haven't gotten my hands on anything yet... not even a suprize...
well... maybe i did plan a few and forgotten totally about it whenever kumasan is around.
tee hee...
some family reunion....this thursday....
haih~.... so many for the past few weeks.
and it was always the chinese restaurant thingy.
nevermind that... as long as the majority is happy ^^
food has never been a plus" for me.. so, i guess i am fine ^^
Bakerzin will be nice, this sunday ^^
the one in One Utama sux. so, we'll be landing our heads in Bangsar i guess,...
Singapore~Bakerzin? ^^ that would be gggrrrreaaat!
i don;t think it's a sound idea to go all the way there for Bakerzin,
i wonder if they are having sales in singapore now.
My Homework list:
Audrey Hepburn photology.
Window Display.
1900's skecthes.
Fashion Forecast.
Audrey Hepburn photology.
Window Display.
1900's skecthes.
Fashion Forecast.
well, better get one done today!.