Monday, May 08, 2006

fever day fever day...
i haven't been chatting wiith my bro in melbourne....
weekends are always this short and tiring...
and mondays sux.";;;\/;;;"
i have one more month to go before the school holidays start.
then, i think i'[ll just continue on my advanced jap class...
finish the whole things and move on to french
but the proficiency test will be held at the end of the year... i wonder what will i expect from that..
just wanna get till level 2 proficiency.
kumasan's birthday is coming up this

i haven't gotten my hands on anything yet... not even a suprize...
well... maybe i did plan a few and forgotten totally about it whenever kumasan is around.
tee hee...
some family reunion....this thursday....
haih~.... so many for the past few weeks.
and it was always the chinese restaurant thingy.
nevermind that... as long as the majority is happy ^^
food has never been a plus" for me.. so, i guess i am fine ^^
Bakerzin will be nice, this sunday ^^
the one in One Utama sux. so, we'll be landing our heads in Bangsar i guess,...
Singapore~Bakerzin? ^^ that would be gggrrrreaaat!
i don;t think it's a sound idea to go all the way there for Bakerzin,
i wonder if they are having sales in singapore now.
My Homework list:
Audrey Hepburn photology.
Window Display.
1900's skecthes.
Fashion Forecast.
Audrey Hepburn photology.
Window Display.
1900's skecthes.
Fashion Forecast.
well, better get one done today!.