Thursday, November 30, 2006

it's all on the dough! yippie!

EVER Heard of Pillsbury cake mix?
i think this kind of "easy-to-bake-off-the-oven" cakes have been in the market for a long long time now.
i haven't tried one before...
only made a chocolate cake with Pres ( remembering the part where she poured cold water into the cake mix, to make it harder when it is done)
Genius! that girl! ^^
And... my first time baking a butter peel and all ^^
hand beaten okay!!!!
that was thanks to my paternal side granny. love her.

well, this time, it was lemon moist cake.
the cake mix was bought by aunty yoke. ^^
i think she actually waited for me to make time to bake with her.
it's really very simple.

Even Kumasan could do it so well! @@
i was too busy working the beating machine that i forgot totally about taking pictures of the mix.
  • 8oz water
  • 1/3 cup of vege oil
  • 3 eggs
everything poured into the mixing bowl and start the machine in slow dial.
beat for 2 minutes and yupz!
ready to pour it in a baking tray.

we didn't have a Big-enough oven, so, aunty yoke prepared tiny cupcake holder ^^
cute ones with scribbles/lines on the sides.
well, not as cute as i have imagined it to be.. but these cups look really 50's ^^

tanning in the oven~

Half-way tanning~~

Golden Brown Baked lemon Moist cup cakes!~*

oh, these are macadamias.
aunty yoke overn baked them.
she was complaining how black it had turned out to be
as compared to those sold in the market ^^"

but i really think it looks gorgeous!
Tasted like Heaven too.
Kumasan finished off the last home roasted pack ^^"
Watch those calories !

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Welcome to Islamabad, Pakistan

It's been a bout a month since my return. It's time I give you guys an idea of what's happening at the other side of the world, which I doubt you will be going there throughout the rest of your life, even if you have the 'monies' to spend :p

Check out the pics above with a brief description on each of them below:
Row1 (L-R): Shah Faizal Mosque, Centaurus, the completed Centaurus Project
Row2 (L-R):
company's canteen, my room, shoplots in Jinnah
Row3 (L-R):
a car (Duh!), a surprise mooncake left on my table, fruit stall
Row4 (L-R): my groceries, a nearby hospital, Subway half-eaten sandwich
Row5 (L-R): Stray cat, pastries from United Bakery, pink toilet paper roll
Row6 (L-R):
air-cond in the elevator, delicious MangoShake, the juice bar
Row7 (L-R): largest bookstore (Book Bank!), shops, construction using tree trunks
Row8 (L-R): life-size BBQ (even BBQed an entire cow), HangTen, street-french fries
Row9 (L-R): office view, breakfast, yet another one
Row10 (L-R):
my office in that building, place where I stayed, KFC (RM12 for a snack plate!)
Row11 (L-R): Khulfa dessert, duty-free shops in Lahore

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

From Gek,Lyn,Soo

here is my next received present,

Gek is the messenger since the other two isn't back yet.
and...she claimed that it is a lazy feat! ><"
it is not! gek,

i won't disclose how many pieces of 50s and 10s
the 3 stooges ( SooYi, Gek, Lynn) gave me,

but i am superbly overwhelmed by the total.
>< thank you so so so so soooo damn ++ +a loT!
the best present i received this year!

You guys know me so well, that you guys even know where is my favourite place to shop for stuff! (definitely)

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006


last sunday!
my birthday ^^"
didn't want to celebrate, so just went out with kumasan.
sweetest thing ever.
my First present:

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Aunty yoke's
cute ya? it's a classic collection from TY beany babies.
that bear is "Carver" ^^
hello carver! ^^ nice to meet you!
more like....
nice to own you now
" : D

then, there comes the food!
the cakes....

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japanese cuisine. hehe .....

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kumasan, finishing off my leftovers , MUAX!
had a great day
love you so much kumasan!

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