Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Feeling Ill

I guess it is the FLU season again down here in Malaysia.
Almost everyone caught it.
Yes. Blame the weather... Warm and Cold. It's becoming like Melbourne!
I'm like.... stuck in between the flu and not sick stage..
It's like hanging on a YoYo and being thrown around.
Let's talk about the dreams I had throughout this week.
I can't remember much, but definitely has got to do with bad experiences and fears.
A College Professor, Losing someone I love,
Tripping off my foot.

Not a good sign.
Will need to get back on my designs and make something inspired by the dreams eh?
I'm currently still on clothing design. finishing one.
My Illustrator is giving me problems...need to seek help on that.
Hope you enjoy my handmade items in Catbun @ etsy.