Friday, March 02, 2007
College Reunion!
there you go...
i have forgotten to post the most important outing of the month or february! ><
Lyn finally came back from Sydney after years.......
. and Soo was back, Gek was back... FInally!!! the meeting date was set.
22nd FEBruaRY 2007.
it was a short one tho... cos' lyn had to go back to her hometown on that afternoon alone.
the only thing i can remember is laughter& food food and food all the way.
we stopped at 3 places for that morning... ><"
gosh... and after Lyn left, Gek and Soo agreed to trot around in BU.
yes... kumasan and me was in.
Gek decided that we were too mushy to be around with,
after 1 long hour of group window shopping,
and left kumasan and me to our own time, for another 1.5 hour ^^"
okay... i didn't know what she was up to... till the end of the day...
i called her up and asked her what actually happened during the hours that she had dumped kumasan and me ><" yup...
apologies to Gek.
didn't mean to mush her out ><
bet she didn't get a good night's sleep that day ( ho ho ho```) ><"
so, here are the shots... from Soo's (another NEW!) Sony Ericsson phone...
and Kumasan's trusty Panasonic Digicam.
Knock yourselves out!

Lyn finally came back from Sydney after years.......
. and Soo was back, Gek was back... FInally!!! the meeting date was set.
22nd FEBruaRY 2007.
it was a short one tho... cos' lyn had to go back to her hometown on that afternoon alone.
the only thing i can remember is laughter& food food and food all the way.
we stopped at 3 places for that morning... ><"
gosh... and after Lyn left, Gek and Soo agreed to trot around in BU.
yes... kumasan and me was in.
Gek decided that we were too mushy to be around with,
after 1 long hour of group window shopping,
and left kumasan and me to our own time, for another 1.5 hour ^^"
okay... i didn't know what she was up to... till the end of the day...
i called her up and asked her what actually happened during the hours that she had dumped kumasan and me ><" yup...
apologies to Gek.
didn't mean to mush her out ><
bet she didn't get a good night's sleep that day ( ho ho ho```) ><"
so, here are the shots... from Soo's (another NEW!) Sony Ericsson phone...
and Kumasan's trusty Panasonic Digicam.
Knock yourselves out!

Durian Cream Puff makes Gek do unnatural things~
screening the menu
HoneyDew melon sago
dunno what this is...
chee cheong fun?
poodle soo...
trying to make soo's eyes bigger... not working...dear
THE End~ :(
Labels: foody