Tuesday, October 03, 2006


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they bring you back to the times when you were at your best or when you were at your dumps...

ii found those two in my Paul Frank Hoodie....
this morning...
used to take that Frankie to movies with kumasan.
he gets his migraine at inaccordance of time... and
it happened twice, just before we got into the cineplex.
so, i used to bring this along just in case. ponstan i mean.

the plaster, .. that's mine ^^"
i bump into things and get cuts...very clumsy
used to get soundings from my dear kumasan about my clumsiness ^^

i miss kumasan so much...
even thought he has only been gone for a month and few more days,
which i didn't bother to get into counting anymore...
but he it seem like years....missing him mad!
and it's funny that i should feel that way... cos'
we Skype in the morning and, at least 3 calls through the afternoon and
Skype again at night ^^"

hope he will be coming home soon....starting to hallucinate ^^"


muax, i love you , my dear kumasan.

HOR! love left my medicine in the jacket till now!!!! >.<

5 more times! :p
><" blek
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