Tuesday, July 25, 2006
a new craig of eggheads

oh no!!!!
tomorrow is THE day!!!
i hate moving, i hate registration day , i hate going for debates!!!
i have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow....
and go to school!!!
><" which is 40minutes away from my place.
hate hate hate.
just hope that the moving part will end fast!
a new stream of virus is here.
><" it looks like......kumasan just got it yesterday.
poor kumasan... ><
please get well as soon as possible!
it's a fusion of coughs,dry throat, light fever, body aches and flu
lets search it up on the web
.... .
... ...
can't find AHHAHAHA ><"
expected of the limitations
kumasan is coming back from work!!!!!
>< he is sick but at least he is coming back for a good rest
^^ dun wan kumasan to suffer in the office
>< so uncomfortable.
now... i have to go do my house errands... ^^
the sewing machine serviceman is coming over to service my Mitsubishi Sewing machine as well ^^
oh... do check out DanIEL's Blog ^^ very cool/cute!