Monday, December 26, 2005

Wet Xmas

HO! HO! HO! Merry Xmas! Hope ya'll had a jolly fun xmas this year :)

I've been looking forward to this year's xmas ever since I bought a Santa hat last month (I think). Finally, the day has arrived and also... past before we know it. Somehow, we can never get enough out of such celebrations...they seem to end a lot quicker compared to boring days...well...that's why we call them boring rite? :p

The whole xmas spirit kicked in when my dept. decided to have a xmas gift xchange among ourselves. The minimum price was set to RM10 after much negotiation I made...haha. The first idea that came to mind was buying a single movie ticket (I'm mean k.). Then, my plan tend to reach perfection when my colleague asked me to help him get a pressie as well. I wanted to match-make two colleagues for a late night movie...but then, I resisted. Ended up with a late night weekday shopping with usagisan at Ikano, which cost a lot of her patience for waiting for me to make the final decisions. Muaks!

The gift xchange went pretty well, with some overpriced items in the loop (due to some who did not have even a mere 30 minutes to shop for a pressie so they had to give away their or their mummys' unwanted & unused belongings). Oh well, at least they participated :|

Till now, you might still be wandering why 'Wet' was used in the title...or for some of you, you might relate it to something wayyyyy nasty *cough* *dreams*. Just to clear this up, it actually means rain. At 7pm, on xmas eve, I had the feeling that we had to cancel our initial planned BBQ party. Fortunately, the rain turned to drizzles and off we started our BBQ setup.

Me and usagisan braved the rain in our Santa hats grilling sausages and chicken pieces (including Spoonkin, though he was rather timid so he asked others to help him cook!). Others in the gang were Bubu, Moy, Bird, Apple, Kev, Rulez, Razor and Xander. Small group but hell lotta fun! Once again I am participating in a xmas gift exchange, this time it's RM20. Everyone took the time to fork out a pressie in minimum time due to the very very late announcement. Sad to say that the announcer himself (Spoon) had zero time to get one so he wrapped 2 RM10 dollar notes with his wallet and he didn't even give the wrapper away! And Moy left his pressie home so Xander had to go home empty handed....

All in all, Xmas been great. This time round, it's celebrated in a totally different way as compared to previous years. Can't wait till New Year!!

Have a wonderful time this holiday season boys & girls (and she-males if there's any out there reading our blog :p) !!

organiser no need cook wan, got ppl help me cook :p

besides, really no time buy, spend 2 hrs for hunting dice %$*^%^&
merry xmas to sean and wenway!
*hugz* :lyn:
thanks lyn! merry christmas to you and nic too.
merry xmas to you and nic too :)
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