Friday, December 30, 2005

-=| New Year Resolution |=-

My my time flies...before you know it, year 2006 is already knocking on your door.

I can still vividly remember about the huge HU-HA on the newspapers about new year resolutions for the year 2005. Oh well, I guess happy times past way faster compared to unhappy times :p

In no particular order, here's my Year 2006 Resolution list!

  1. Keep loving Akiko with all my heart :) *this is in order

  2. Eat more fruits!!! (especially for all you carnivores out there)

  3. Find a job opening which suits me perfectly and of course, get offered

  4. Get a 3G handphone (It is time for my T610 to retire...)

  5. Taste more cun food

  6. Go for a vacation or two (It's been awhile since I left the country to get culture shocked!)

  7. Win movie tickets and prizes instead of buying 'em

  8. Hope that PTPTN accidentally deletes my name off their database record

your new year resolution?

New Year's Resolution -->

~ Pawn Moy,Spoon,Blue,Drums and Kish KAO KAO KAO...
~ Hohoho..Gain 0.05 kg..
~ Eat More Gain Less
~ Earn More Money, Less Spending..

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