Monday, December 12, 2005

How did the World happen?

i have been pondering about things that goes about in our lives.
like family dues, the importance of friendship to you
it's a very subjective matter but, there are always people who think that friends are not important, as compared to others.
and how rich people get richer by the minute and poor people just go poorer and down the drain in seconds
it seems pretty unfair, how things are.
maybe it's the way how people perceive things as.
maybe it's just fate.
do you believe in karma?
do you believe in luck?

some parents don't even know that they are hurting their own child.
it is just so sad to see that.
eventually, the child may just fade away in time.
purely caused by ignorance.
it is so true that these happen. all the sadness in the world. all caused by ignorance, greed and selfishness.

in our times, parent's role have changed.
usually, both will have to work.
so, the child is sent off to a granny.
in majority, a maid takes over the house chores with responsibilities on the children of the house too.
in my opinion, every parent should give their children a break, sometimes.
especially, due to the lack of self parenting, the child might not be as close to the parent as they should be , under normal care.
it is pure torture to want to force everything onto your child, making them feel like they are a burden or
bringing the thought that they owe the parent some big life savings of money and responsibility.
well, life goes around how you treat people and the same goes in return.
good deeds follow by good deeds
the bad will get some bad in return.

^^ seng,your thoughts are invaluable.fully appreaciated and should be rewarded with..... ^^ A STAR! thank you!
dou itashimashite!
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